Sugaring? The sweetest method of hair removal

Can a paste made with sugar, lemon and water be used to remove hair, and how does it compare to waxing or shaving?  Using a sugar paste is an ancient way of hair removal.  It’s all organic, less waste for the environment and is good for sensitive skin types.

An all organic paste made of sugar, lemon & water is used by hand to remove hair at the root.   The paste is applied against the grain of the hair and pulled out in the same direction the hair grows.  Therefore hair comes back smoother.    Waxing can cause up to 30% breakage and is applied with the grain of the hair and pulled out against the grain, which can sometimes lead to hair growing back in different directions.

The other advantage to sugaring is that the paste sinks into the pores and can remove much shorter hair.  Hair can be removed every three weeks and since it pulls it out from the follicle, no hair breakage and hair gets thinner and thinner, making the hair removal a faster and less painful experience each time!

Body, Waxing - September 4 - 0.