Should I get a Peel?

Chemical peel, should I get one?  Yes Will it hurt? No  Will it sting? Possibly, but not much Will my face look like hamburger for a week?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!  You can apply makeup and go on about your day as usual, or will it be usual, you will have this glow about you!

So what is a light chemical peel and what are the benefits?

A light chemical peel is a gentle solution of natural ingredients such as the acid from sugar (glycolic), acid from milk (lactic), acid from apples (mandelic) and kojic (mushrooms).  It’s applied to the skin to heal it, it affects the deeper layers of skin to help new skin cells brighten and be more firm.  It deeply exfoliates and leaves you with a fresh new glow.

  • Stimulates collagen and elastin to produce firmer skin
  • Brightens skin
  • Heals breakouts
  • Smooths texture of skin
  • Decreases fine lines
  • Makes pores smaller

After the peel, skin may feel tighter or dryer and needs special care to avoid UVA and UVB rays that could damage the new skin.  So simply staying out of the sun and wearing sun protection is all you need to do.  Get a series of 4-6 peels annually, one every two weeks for best results!

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