Osmosis Sculpt vs. Body Wraps

The season for pool parties, summer vacations and wearing shorts is here. Recently, I was asked if body wraps were more effective than Osmosis Sculpt. Of course, I said Sculpt, but I would like to explain why.

You may or may not know that your body, when getting an overload of toxins that it cannot process will send those toxins to your fat cells. Toxins are stored on the outside edges of the fat cells. This is a protection for you, but it also causes inflammation in your endocrine system, as fat cells are part of the endocrine system. Also, toxins are bulky and make our adipose tissue larger.

Body Wraps
Most body wraps I have worked with, work with the lymphatic system. They begin with a scrub that starts activating the lymphatic or body’s toxin disposal system. Then an herbal mixture is applied to the body. The body then absorbs up to 60% of these herbs. The body utilizes the healing power of the herbs to help stimulate the lymph nodes (the body’s toxin cleansers) to work more efficiently for the next 24 hours or so. Sometimes the herbs may not be sent to your fat, however, they may be sent to other areas of the body that need healing, in this case, you may not see much of an inch loss.

Osmosis Sculpt

Osmosis Sculpt though does a lot more than just stimulate your lymphatic system. It is a safe, effective, healthy way to energize and detoxify the body. The pads are applied directly to the areas where you want to lose inches. The nano, pico and microcurrent contracts your muscles and this causes strengthening in your muscles as well as glycolosis. Glycolosis results in burning off of glycogen (sugars) and can help start burning fat as fuel faster. One 30 minute Sculpt treatment deeply stimulates your lymphatic system to send those nasty toxins to be excreted through sweating after or your digestive system. Sculpt treatments also increase your cells ATP production, which gives you a nice burst of energy after. Since you will basically be put into fat-burning mode, this will be an awesome time to do a workout to enhance your efforts.


So, to sum it up: body wraps work by stimulating only the lymphatic system. Sculpt treatments work strengthen muscles, help put you in fat burning mode, and stimulate your lymphatic system deeply.

Book your Sculpt today, mention this blog article and get your first treatment for just $75 (less than the cost of a body wrap)!

Body, Uncategorized - April 1 - 0.