Dark Under Eye Circles and Puffiness

Zone 3 is the area underneath the lower eyelid.  Dark circles and puffiness of this region usually occur from kidney stress caused by lack of sleep, caffeine and other stimulants, and excessive use of over-the-counter pain relief medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen.  Anxiety and heavy stress can cause strain on the kidneys as well.  Knowing the cause of the conditions helps us accurately treat it rather than just temporarily subduing the symptoms.  Address the necessary lifestyle changes (like swap that second or third cup of coffee for a green or herbal tea).

Also, addressing the skin itself by building up the collagen/elastin by using the proper Vitamin A Serum can also be beneficial.  Treatments that help would be Microcurrent, Facial Infusion and LED – separately or by doing a monthly Radiance Facial, which includes all 3.

Have questions?  Please feel free to reach out – call/text or email!  I am happy to help!

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