breakouts! breakouts! breakouts!!!

All is well, then stress hits, periods come, weekend of fun, and then the breakouts come!!!!

How to get rid of them quickly and prevent them!!!

It’s not from a bit of chocolate, dirty pillowcases, sweating or wearing a mask – however mask can promote purging.

Thankfully, I can tell you why you are breaking out, then we solve the issue!  Usually it’s one of 3 culprits:

  1.  Candida overgrowth – most breakouts are from this!
  2. Mucus caused from eating dairy or fried foods
  3. Estrogenic toxins (they’re everywhere) and putting a strain on our hormones

Sometimes it can be a combination of all 3.  How to eliminate them once and for all!

REMEDY:  Discover the source, get a customized, holistic remedy, and limit the source

This is a very simple looking plan, and maybe you get frustrated,  I am here to help

The best way to get started is to come in for a facial – just choose one, all of them help!

We look at your skin, determine cause of acne, and then treat.

Often it does take a few months to be fully healed, go ahead and book them all now so that you are taken care of.

I will recommend holistic supplements and/or elixirs to get your system balanced.

I will also recommend lifestyle, food choice changes to get your skin clearer faster

AND I will recommend the right skincare for you!  We want to get clear faster and stay clear, correct???

You could not listen, book whenever and not heal – then you are wasting time and money!

While initially it may be a high cost, it’s more cost effective to do it right from the begininng!

What is your self esteem worth?

When you are more confident, what more can you achieve with your life?

It may even help you get that raise or the higher paying job?

How much is it worth and how would it change your life to achieve clear skin????

Book a facial today and find out!  It maybe quicker than you think!






Facial Treatments - June 1 - 0.