What triggered my breakout?

We all get breakouts from time to time, however some of us more than other, or it seems to happen despite eating well, lowering our stress level and taking good care of our skin.

Why?  If you are prone to breakouts, the reason is genetic, you simply shed 5 times as many skin cells as someone who does not. The skin cells, combined with oil provides abundant food for the p. acne bacteria that resides in each pore.  If the skin cells get stuck and clogged, this produces a closed comedone aka whitehead, if not and the skin cells and oil oxidize, it becomes an open comedone called a blackhead.  The bacteria thrives in here, so if you are thinking of picking, you will be doing great damage, spreading bacteria and possibly scarring!  Do not pick…ICE it!

Great, How do I counteract this and get clear skin?
First we should identify the trigger
1. Eliminate dairy. Anything that is from cow’s milk, with all the nasty hormones that are added to cow’s milk, it wreaks havoc on our whole system, REALLY!!!  Even if it’s organic, sorry, cows have naturally occurring hormones and lick salt, which contains IODINE, a huge trigger for a breakout.  Try almond cheese, almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk or hazelnut milk.2. Look at your hair products and shower routine. Cut out any hair products containing SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), an irritating detergent used in shampoos, and panthenol, a potential pore-clogging ingredient found in conditioner.  THEN, when you shampoo and condition your hair in the shower, do that first, and then wash your face and body last to ensure any hair product residue was cleaned off. If you have long hair, put it in a ponytail when you sleep to keep it off your face and neck when you sleep and avoiding triggering a breakout.

3. Change pillowcases. Every night, we spend hours and hours, skin cells and bacteria fall onto the pillowcases, thus providing the perfect environment for a breakout.  Flip your pillowcase each night, then change it every other night.

4. Get regular acne treatments.  I am certified in the Face Reality program which can help people get clear skin in about 90 days. I do make you commit to using the Face Reality skin care products because they are proven to help people get clear skin.  Book your appointment now.

5. Determine if there is a pattern to when these breakouts occur.
I always use the expression “detective work” because you really have to be a detective when you’re trying to figure out the potential triggers of your breakouts. It’s not simple, but for example, you might notice that you breakout just before or during your period, then let me know when you come in for your acne treatments so that we can beef up your treatments just before this time so that you break out less.

Uncategorized - February 10 - 0.