Why get a massage
Massage is wonderful for so many things like:
- Can help relieve migraines and headaches – even while in
- Relieves lower back pain and helps to stop cycle of chronic
- Reduction of stress in mind and body
- Boosts metabolism
- Increased ability to think clearly
- Increased sense of body awareness, well-being &
emotional expression
- Reduction in pain from releasing impingement of muscles
and releases endorphins
- Satisfies need for nurturing touch
- Reduces level of anxiety and fast heart rate immediately
- Increased circulation (one hour massage is comparable to
walking 3 miles)
- Helps your immune system by increased circulation of
lymph (an almost colorless fluid that travels through
vessels in the lymphatic system and carries cells that help
fight infection and disease) and increases production of
white blood cells
- Decreases blood pressure and edema
- Boosts metabolism
- Improved breathing, digestion and posture
- Relaxes, yet reduces fatigue
- For pregnant women, reduction of sinus congestion,
sciatic and round ligament pain, headaches, edema and