Are you frustrated with acne treatments and products? Have you been to other estheticians or dermatologists without results? I was frustrated with acne too! I love helping my clients and even though I helped them to a certain degree, some did not clear up or worse they ended up going to a dermatologist, but then were frustrated with being given not enough education about how to treat their skin for acne, or even harsh treatments that even contained ingredients that triggered acne more. Are you using a RetinA cream or gel that contains Isopropyl Myristate? If so, that substance actually triggers acne breakouts. It broke my heart each time. I went to my skincare supplier for help, but they did not give me any specific framework to treat my clients successfully and that was not good enough for me! So I began to research what kind of system would work better.
The good news is that I have actually found a system that is proven to work! It’s called Face Reality. It began with Laura Cooksey, an esthetician in California who began working with Dr. Fulton’s methods and developed this system over 20 years ago. In 2008, she began the Face Reality Acne Clinic and then began mentoring and training other estheticians how to do her system and use the products she developed. When I saw the success that she and other estheticians around the country were making, I knew this was the right choice and I immediately took her training and now I am Face Reality Certified and cannot wait to help as many people with acne as I can.
The treatment is a combination of treatments, sensitivity testing and pushing the skin to clarity with as little irritation as possible. Instead of me trying to work with everyone’s already existing products and treatments, I insist that you commit fully to this process for 90 days. For most people their skin will be clear within that time period. For some people it will take a little longer, but they will have made significant progress. Once you sign the agreement, I will give you or email our Lifestyle Checklist, treatment procedures and all suggestions that have been made. I will expect you to come in for treatment every two weeks, do your homecare according to specific directions each day, you may not mix any other products and you will need to let me know immediately any concerns you have or any skin irritation. You cannot miss a treatment or doing any home care. You must be committed, but the results are worth it. Expect to spend $150 on your first treatment/consultation and each subsequent treatment is $75, $90 if you want to add LED (speeds healing and reduces scarring). You may purchase a package for 6 treatments and get one free. If you no longer live in the area, or would just like to purchase products only, it will take longer, but that is possible as well, contact me today or book your Acne Treatment Consultation online and let’s get started with clearing your skin!
Amazing Post. Keep it up.
Wow! thank you!!!