Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Does your diet affect your skin?

September 18th, 2016

Skin challenges? It could be what you are eating. The foods we eat play a large role in achieving a gorgeous, unblemished complexion.

I usually spend a lot of time with my clients on how their diet affects or could trigger breakouts, but recently there has been even more evidence of how food affects our skin to defy aging as well. There seems to be a lot of similarities, so your diet can prevent breakouts and defy aging at the same time.

Glycation – Whether its natural or refined sugar, it has inflammatory effects on the skin (causing breakouts, wrinkles and sagging skin). It also hardens the internal organs, we’ve all heard of hardening of the arteries, sugar is one of the culprits. It’s also one of the most addictive, but IMHO its one of the easiest to break. STRATEGY: start training your taste buds by choosing more savory foods, try not adding sugar to tea and coffee. When you do choose a sweet treat, make sure its low glycemic. ALSO, try adding more omega 3’s to your diet to offset glycation damage by either taking a supplement or adding more walnuts, avocados and salmon.

Dairy – A new study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology showed that the amount of low fat or non fat milk consumed by teenage participants with acne was significantly higher than those with no acne.
Even organic cow’s milk contains iodides (from licking salt) and a cow’s natural hormones, we just weren’t meant to drink this, even though it is full of protein and calcium.
When I see a lot of breakouts in the jawline area, it’s almost always because of high dairy intake. It also contributes to dullness.
STRATEGY: If you’re having trouble with your complexion, try switching to alternative milk options like almond or coconut milk. If your skin stays the same after 90 days without dairy milk, slowly add it back in and watch for changes.

Lots of leafy, dark green vegetables that are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, folic acid, iron, zinc and a host of other skin nourishing nutrients support a glowing, radiant complexion.

Getting enough nutrients can be tough, and the skin is the last place to receive nutrients. Sanitas philosophy is to nourish the skin from the outside and the results from this product line are phenomenal. If you are having some skin challenges, and can’t quite figure out what is going on, please book a custom facial so that we can get an in depth consultation and I can see/feel and test for sensitivity.

Also, I will be out at the Sanitas headquarters near Boulder Colorado on the week of 10/24 to learn more about their new product formulations and how it can help defy aging and acne. I’ll come back with even more knowledge and enthusiasm for all things skin!

Three Reasons To Get Monthly Facials

March 28th, 2016


Three Reasons Why Monthly Facials Are So Good For Your Skin:
1. Deep Cleaning
Most people will wait to get a facial until there is a problem. A monthly facial will prohibit the problems from occurring in the first place. One of the reasons is the level of deep cleaning that only a professional spa can provide. Similar to seeing a dentist for regular deep cleanings for your teeth, we recommend seeing an esthetician for a deep cleaning for your pores and skin cells. Estheticians are trained to treat all skin types and can recommend the best solutions for problems.
2. Safe Extractions
It is so hard to resist popping pimples and blackheads! Many times when people pop their own pimples at home, the area can get inflamed from improper extracting techniques and dirty finger nails. Attempting to extract pimples on your own can lead to even bigger problems such as infection and scarring. A trained esthetician has the necessarily tools and has been educated on how to safely extract blemishes without damaging the skin tissue around the area. By keeping up with monthly facials and extractions, your skin will have a reduction in blemishes. If you have oily or pimple prone skin, you may want to consider getting a professional facial twice a month.
3. Cell Renewal
It takes about 30 days for the cells in your face to move up to the surface of your skin, die and slough off. A professional exfoliation will rid the skin of those dead skin cells and give the skin a more toned and youthful glow. Monthly facials will speed up your cell renewal and make your skin look smooth, healthy, moist and radiant!
Why Sweet Lemon Spa is the Best Place to get a Facial!

Each new facial client begins with a thorough consultation.  We look at your history and what your current skin care regime is.  We find out what your skin care goals are and exceed your expectations.  We make lifestyle, diet and homecare suggestions to help you get results as quickly as possible.

Sweet Lemon Spa has a two very extensive skin care lines.  One that has a strong emphasis on anti-aging skin care, including Peptides, Vitamin C Serum, Retinols as well as VERY strong custom cocktailed peels.  The secondary line combats acne and hyperpigmentation in a systematic way using gradually stronger products for homecare and biweekly peels.

Not only are these customized for you, but they are affordably priced. Many spas don’t offer these treatments as add-on’s, but rather make you receive a whole new facial to get the benefits of those treatments. Additionally, all of our clients enjoy the extensive head, neck, face and hand massage that is included in our facials.
While we encourage monthly facials for healthy skin, we know that sometimes it’s not feasible. At minimum, have a facial at least four times a year. A good rule of thumb is to have a facial when the seasons change.

Fine lines, loose skin around your neck line, deeply grooved forehead?  Try our Microcurrent Facial for just $49!  See our virtual receptionist today for an appointment.

Microcurrent Facial, why do you need this!

February 29th, 2016

One of my very loyal clients who has been coming to see me regularly a couple of years for anti-aging facials and skin care wanted more help with her neck area, but did not want chemical peels or anything painful.  Then I remembered that I had a small handheld microcurrent device, and even though I told her I was not very experienced with it, she agreed to let me try.  I used the microcurrent device while she was also under the LED panel, which stimulates collagen and elastin, reduces inflammation. Well, we got AMAZING results! She came two weeks later and we got even better results.  I started using it with other clients, and got AMAZING results, but the device died, it was barely used, so I didn’t want to invest in another one like that, and I wanted something that would not only help with the neck but the whole face. Due to the holidays, she was not able to come back for 2 months and her results lasted all that time.  She was disapointed to hear the microcurrent device died, but I promised to find something even better, so I did!  As you can see from the results above, this machine is incredible!

If you are not ready for surgical procedures because of time, financial, or medical limitations, my new microcurrent facial is a non-surgical approach to defy aging, improve and return to a more youthful appearance. The microcurrent facial is wonderfully relaxing and euphoric, causes no pain, swelling or downtime, and noticeable results begin immediately!

Also known as the “non-surgical facelift.”  Not only will you be incredibly relaxed, you will see instant results with each session. This process uses second generation specific signals to immediately improve your overall appearance and return the natural “glow” of youthful hues.

Expected benefits from one microcurrent facial are more than with an anti-aging facial or even skin care: Improved facial and neck muscle tone, lifted jowls and eyebrows, reduction and elimination of fine lines and wrinkles, smoothing of the periorbital (parenthesis) lines, improved facial circulation, skin exfoliation, lymphatic drainage, product penetration, improving sun damaged skin and much more.

I don’t completely understand why the technology works, however, as you can see from my before and after pictures, I have seen the results of one treatment with my very eyes.  I know that we are electrical, and this technology uses nano and pico microcurrents to stimulate collagen and elastin production as well as tone the facial musles, stimulating lymphatic drainage (detoxification)and also will infuse serums deep into the skin’s layers to get the most benefit from them.  It also has an oxygen component that will also boost circulation and health to the skin.

Microcurrent facials last 50 minutes, they include a facial cleanse, microcurrent technologies and are finished with a moisturizer and sun protection.  My Sanitas 90% peptide serum, vitamin C serum, or vita rich serums are available at an additional enhancement to be infused if desired.  Treatments should be done in a series, twice weekly for 5 weeks for best results.  This allows for the treatments to provide muscle memory and allow the treatments to build upon each other, rather than ebb and flow if done sporadically. The highest level of maintenance is once per month, however people have been known to maintain their results for up to 6 months, it varies person to person.

Get better selfies, go on more dates, get more attention from your significant other, get out of speeding tickets, better service wherever you go, better employment opportunities…Enjoy life to the full!!!  I cannot promise these things but it could happen!  With younger, more lifted facial features, you’ll have more confidence, and no telling where that could take you! So schedule your microcurrent facial today!

Should I get a Peel?

February 10th, 2016

Chemical peel, should I get one?  Yes Will it hurt? No  Will it sting? Possibly, but not much Will my face look like hamburger for a week?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!  You can apply makeup and go on about your day as usual, or will it be usual, you will have this glow about you!

So what is a light chemical peel and what are the benefits?

A light chemical peel is a gentle solution of natural ingredients such as the acid from sugar (glycolic), acid from milk (lactic), acid from apples (mandelic) and kojic (mushrooms).  It’s applied to the skin to heal it, it affects the deeper layers of skin to help new skin cells brighten and be more firm.  It deeply exfoliates and leaves you with a fresh new glow.

  • Stimulates collagen and elastin to produce firmer skin
  • Brightens skin
  • Heals breakouts
  • Smooths texture of skin
  • Decreases fine lines
  • Makes pores smaller

After the peel, skin may feel tighter or dryer and needs special care to avoid UVA and UVB rays that could damage the new skin.  So simply staying out of the sun and wearing sun protection is all you need to do.  Get a series of 4-6 peels annually, one every two weeks for best results!

What triggered my breakout?

February 10th, 2016

We all get breakouts from time to time, however some of us more than other, or it seems to happen despite eating well, lowering our stress level and taking good care of our skin.

Why?  If you are prone to breakouts, the reason is genetic, you simply shed 5 times as many skin cells as someone who does not. The skin cells, combined with oil provides abundant food for the p. acne bacteria that resides in each pore.  If the skin cells get stuck and clogged, this produces a closed comedone aka whitehead, if not and the skin cells and oil oxidize, it becomes an open comedone called a blackhead.  The bacteria thrives in here, so if you are thinking of picking, you will be doing great damage, spreading bacteria and possibly scarring!  Do not pick…ICE it!

Great, How do I counteract this and get clear skin?
First we should identify the trigger
1. Eliminate dairy. Anything that is from cow’s milk, with all the nasty hormones that are added to cow’s milk, it wreaks havoc on our whole system, REALLY!!!  Even if it’s organic, sorry, cows have naturally occurring hormones and lick salt, which contains IODINE, a huge trigger for a breakout.  Try almond cheese, almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk or hazelnut milk.2. Look at your hair products and shower routine. Cut out any hair products containing SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), an irritating detergent used in shampoos, and panthenol, a potential pore-clogging ingredient found in conditioner.  THEN, when you shampoo and condition your hair in the shower, do that first, and then wash your face and body last to ensure any hair product residue was cleaned off. If you have long hair, put it in a ponytail when you sleep to keep it off your face and neck when you sleep and avoiding triggering a breakout.

3. Change pillowcases. Every night, we spend hours and hours, skin cells and bacteria fall onto the pillowcases, thus providing the perfect environment for a breakout.  Flip your pillowcase each night, then change it every other night.

4. Get regular acne treatments.  I am certified in the Face Reality program which can help people get clear skin in about 90 days. I do make you commit to using the Face Reality skin care products because they are proven to help people get clear skin.  Book your appointment now.

5. Determine if there is a pattern to when these breakouts occur.
I always use the expression “detective work” because you really have to be a detective when you’re trying to figure out the potential triggers of your breakouts. It’s not simple, but for example, you might notice that you breakout just before or during your period, then let me know when you come in for your acne treatments so that we can beef up your treatments just before this time so that you break out less.

Do facials cause breakouts?

January 13th, 2016


We all want flawless, glowing skin, and we know the best way to do this is to get regular facials, but isn’t it possible to get a breakout the day after?  If you get a facial and your skin breaks out the next day, it’s easy to blame the esthetician or the products used.  Just what makes skin breakout after a facial treatment—and who’s to blame?   What is the best strategy to avoid this from happening?

1. Your skin regime prior to the facial can sometimes be the culprit.  If you have not been cleansing exfoliating regularly, and you get a deep pore cleansing facial and layers of skin, sebum, products are removed, you skin could continue to purge after.  Strategy:  Do a skin consultation a month before your facial to start using the best products for your skin.  Follow the esthetician’s instructions.

2. Stress

When we are under a lot of stress, it can also cause breakouts to be just under the surface.  Sometimes a facial will uncover this by exfoliation and stimulation  and they usually are in the forehead area.  Mention your stress level to your esthetician and she can use a preventative serum, LED treatment, high frequency treatment to prevent or help anything that’s already in the skin heal faster.  Also, get a weekly massage and or start working out a bit more to release the tension.

3. Reactive Skin

Some skin is reactive to anything new, for example:  steam, facial massage or new products.  If you believe your skin may be like this, let your esthetician know so that she can gear the facial toward being as gentle as possible to avoid this.  A high frequency or LED treatment may also be a good idea.

4. Over-Eager Extractions

Some estheticians do not use enough massage and exfoliation before trying to extract, and then use rough techniques to get the extractions out.  At Sweet Lemon Spa, the process with each facial with a water and oil press, followed by a facial oil and facial massage.  Then it is cleansed with an exfoliating cleanser, if desired, we also offer diamondbrasion to file down the skin and it makes the pores look smaller, then an exfoliation mask is used, usually with steam.  Then the extractions are coaxed out if there are any at this point.  Many times the face is clear of them after our unique process.

5. It’s a treatment

A facial isn’t a one time service. It’s more like a workout at the gym. It doesn’t necessarily make you beautiful the first visit the benefits kick in after a few days, when the skin’s can start functioning better after it is cleansed. For best results a consistent home care regime using professional products from the same line (which are designed to work together)  will keep skin looking its absolute best.  As the esthetician of Sweet Lemon Spa, I am here for my clients day and night to help them with any skin emergencies, however if you are following my advice, this rarely happens.  I am always here to help you!  My clients get very clear, beautiful skin when they follow my advice, those that try a lot of different products usually shock their skin and get poor results.

Need help with your skin?  Schedule a complimentary consultation.  I get results fast!!! Book online at


Three Common Mistake Acne Sufferers Make

December 7th, 2015

There is a lot of conflicting information that you get when you are seeking the answer to your acne.  It is my mission to dispel the myths about how to achieve clear skin without resorting to dangerous prescription drugs.

I want to tell you the most common mistakes that people make and most don’t even know about them. Don’t worry if you’ve made them – you are not alone!


If you have acne and you’ve seen your doctor about it, chances you were put on the antibiotic merry go round: first you start with one, and then when that stops working, you move on to another and then when that stops working, you move on to still another; or maybe you stay on one antibiotic for years. And, in most cases you STILL have acne. Why? Because all antibiotics do is improve the condition temporarily because they kill most, but not all, of the bacteria. Surviving bacteria always repopulate, the acne becomes severe again, and since each antibiotic becomes less effective over time, in the end you wind up with no options left. Not only that, but if you’ve taken antibiotics for years on end to treat your acne, chances are you: „ suffer from more frequent colds „ increased digestive problems „ if you’re a woman, more vaginal yeast infections  „ plus an increased risk for breast cancer. None of this is good, but the real terror lies in something that affects each and every one of us: over prescription of antibiotics – yes, including our friends Tetracycline, Erythromycin, and Doxycycline has created resistant strains of bacteria that are downright deadly. In October 2013, the award  winning PBS documentary series FRONTLINE aired “Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria,” which illustrated how often deadly strains of bacteria, often known as ‘highly resistant gram -negative bacteria’ evolved from a far less dangerous organism because of antibiotics. Bacteria reproduce very rapidly, and they also mutate readily to be resistant to antibiotics which were designed to kill them. So, with the rampant use of antibiotics and the ability of bacteria to reproduce and mutate, we have the perfect storm which has enabled new strains of bacteria to evolve into new, nearly indestructible populations. Not good! Believe me, there are much better ways to treat your acne and get clear skin.


Skincare and Cosmetics Sometimes Make it Worse

Most people don’t know this, but there are tons of skin/hair care products, makeup and even acne products that contain ingredients that clog your pores. We call these pore- clogging ingredients “comedogenic ingredients.” Even prescription products like the cream form of Retin A, that doctors mistakenly give to their acne patients every day, contains a well -known pore clogging ingredient called isopropyl myristate. Organic skin care and acne lines can be some of the worst! Natural oils that sound really wonderful like cocoa butter and coconut oil are disastrous for the acne  prone. Other oils such as jojoba, olive and lanolin are mildly comedogenic and can be a problem if formulated with other comedogenic ingredients. Many over -the- counter acne medications also have pore clogging ingredients and “oil- free” products can be comedogenic. Some of the more common comedogenic ingredients that you see in makeup and hair products are sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulfate, laureth  4, lanolin and acetylated lanolin, but there are many more. Liquid foundation makeup can be a minefield of these problem ingredients. Loose powder, mineral make up tends to be the safest choice but still should be checked. For instance, Bare Minerals Original Formula loose powder foundation is a safe choice; however the newer Bare Minerals Matte is NOT a safe choice – it contains ActiveSoil Complex/Soil Minerals that is causing breakouts for most users. We do not recommend any of the pressed Bare Minerals blushes, bronzers or veils.


Misuse of Acne Products

Products that are specifically made for clearing up acne oftentimes are very irritating to the skin and can dry the skin out. People have a tendency to try them out and discontinue use of them pretty early on or just use them a couple times a week. An even bigger mistake is to take an acne product and just use it on the existing acne breakouts (spot treat), especially with benzoyl peroxide. You can’t just use products randomly or just spot treat with them. Why? Because an acne system that works will prevent the new acne from forming in the first place. It kills the microcomedone – the beginning of all acne. So the entire area of your acne- prone skin needs the right products to stop the acne in its tracks.

Even if you have products that are not irritating your skin and you are not just spot treating but using them all over, there can be another problem Have you ever noticed that a product or two worked really well at first, but then, the effectiveness wore off in about three weeks? Why is this? Quite simply, the skin has the ability to adapt to product use; in other words, your skin gets used to products. If you do not take this into account, you will have a difficult time getting clear. The right regimen also needs to be adjusted every couple of weeks in order to keep pushing the skin to clear. Even the best acne regimen in the world won’t work if this is not taken into account.


The Path to Clear Skin

The good news is that you don’t need dangerous prescription drugs to have clear skin! And, you don’t need to have irritated dry skin in order to get rid of your acne. What it does take is a trained Acne Specialist to guide you so you can avoid the mistakes and pitfalls most everyone makes. We get you on the right products for your acne and your type of skin and then coach you in the adjustments you will need to make to your regimen. We also coach you on all other lifestyle adjustments you may haveto make to have clear skin. Allow our vast experience and expertise to get you clear in a quick and safe manner.

There are a few ways to do this:

1. If you live in the Dallas Fort Worth Area, make an appointment to come into our Acne Clinic.

2. If you don’t live in the area, first check to see if there is a Face Reality Certified Acne Specialist in your area.

3. If there is no Face Reality Certified Acne Specialist in your area, then become one of our long distance clients. Call 214-597-1950 to set up a free consultation.



Do you have Acne and want clear skin?

November 28th, 2015


Are you frustrated with acne treatments and products?  Have you been to other estheticians or dermatologists without results?  I was frustrated with acne too!  I love helping my clients and even though I helped them to a certain degree, some did not clear up or worse they ended up going to a dermatologist, but then were frustrated with being given not enough education about how to treat their skin for acne, or even harsh treatments that even contained ingredients that triggered acne more.  Are you using a RetinA cream or gel that contains Isopropyl Myristate?  If so, that substance actually triggers acne breakouts.  It broke my heart each time.  I went to my skincare supplier for help, but they did not give me any specific framework to treat my clients successfully and that was not good enough for me!  So I began to research what kind of system would work better.

The good news is that I have actually found a system that is proven to work!  It’s called Face Reality.  It began with Laura Cooksey, an esthetician in California who began working with Dr. Fulton’s methods and developed this system over 20 years ago.  In 2008, she began the Face Reality Acne Clinic and then began mentoring and training other estheticians how to do her system and use the products she developed.  When I saw the success that she and other estheticians around the country were making, I knew this was the right choice and I immediately took her training and now I am Face Reality Certified and cannot wait to help as many people with acne as I can.

The treatment is a combination of treatments, sensitivity testing and pushing the skin to clarity with as little irritation as possible.  Instead of me trying to work with everyone’s already existing products and treatments, I insist that you commit fully to this process for 90 days.  For most people their skin will be clear within that time period.  For some people it will take a little longer, but they will have made significant progress.    Once you sign the agreement, I will give you or email our Lifestyle Checklist, treatment procedures and all suggestions that have been made.  I will expect you to come in for treatment every two weeks, do your homecare according to specific directions each day, you may not mix any other products and you will need to let me know immediately any concerns you have or any skin irritation.  You cannot miss a treatment or doing any home care.  You must be committed, but the results are worth it. Expect to spend $150 on your first treatment/consultation and each subsequent treatment is $75, $90 if you want to add LED (speeds healing and reduces scarring).  You may purchase a package for 6 treatments and get one free. If you no longer live in the area, or would just like to purchase products only, it will take longer,  but that is possible as well, contact me today or book your Acne Treatment Consultation online and let’s get started with clearing your skin!


Winter Skincare Tips

November 27th, 2015


I was recently asked to write a blog for winter skin tips, and I thought it might be more interesting to write it in a story form. This is not based on any one client, but what I see a lot of this time of year in my treatment room. Hope you like it!

As Kelly sat in my chair for her facial, she was very aggravated by the new breakouts along her chin and jawline. “My skin feels so dry and just looks dull,  even my lips are parched” complained the 45 year old.

I ask all the usual questions regarding breakouts in that area, “Any changes in your birth control or are you taking any new medications or are you consuming dairy at all? She answers no to both questions. “Well Kelly, it looks like you may just have a buildup of dead skin layers, lets do an enzyme mask followed by a moisturizing mask. ”

That sounds good, but why would do you think I am breaking out?

It could be stress playing on your hormones, could be just this temporary buildup of skin cells because of the cooler temperatures is giving the p. Acne bacteria that each of us has in our pores more to eat and therefore it multiplies and causes breakouts.” I say as I begin her facial with a water oil press and begin massaging her face. Then as I begin to apply the cranberry enzyme mask, she starts telling me about the crow’s feet that have begun to appear. “Ok, we need to get you starting to use the brightening peel pads in your winter skincare regime, starting with one time per week, then after a month, use twice a week, then the next month 3 times a week.”

“Oh yeah, you mentioned that last time, but I was about to go on vacation.”

“Now is the perfect time to get started, but its a bit drying so we need to add Vita C Serum or Peptiderm Serum to boost the effects and give a bit more hydration. And make sure you are spraying 4-5 pumps of the Moisture Mist within 30 seconds after you cleanse.”

As I analyze her skin under the magnifying lamp, I can’t help but notice the new brown spots and the crow’s feet that have rooted themselves on her face. I ask about sun block usage and she gives me the bad news that she didn’t think she needed it once the weather cooled down.

“Kelly, we always need sun protection, especially in the winter months. The UVA rays are constant in and out doors. The bad news is you now have some brown spots, the good news is the Brightening Peel Pads will help reverse that also, but only if you wear sun block every single day. Please promise me you will!”

Kelly sighs, “Ok, I promise.”

As we finish our treatment, Kelly is relaxed and cannot believe how good her skin looks and feels, even her lips feel better with the Cowgirl Dreamsicle flavored lip balm. I write down her home care (see below) and she makes another appointment for one month out instead of her usual random appointment.

Kelly’s Winter Skincare Regime


Milk & Honey Cleanser (moisturizing and brightening cleanser)

Moisture Mist (hyaluronic acid mist)

Peptiderm Serum (40% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production)

Peptiderm Eye Treatment (50% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production, also use around lip area)

Peptiderm Moisturizer (40% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production)

Solar Block (most important anti-aging product, prevents sun damage and collagen and elastin breakdown, as well as keeps skin from forming brown spots)


Lemon Cream Scrub Cleanser ( a silica scrub, good for face and lips)

Hydrating Toner (gives skin extra moisture and prepares it to receive more nutrients)

Vita C Serum (provides moisture, brightens and stimulates collagen and elastin production)

Peptiderm Eye Treatment

Peptiderm Moisturizer


1 x a week Brightening Peel Pad (brightens and deeply exfoliates skin)

3× a week

Cranberry Enzyme Mask (enzymes slough off dead skin and lactic acid to give extra hydration, can be used after brightening peel pad)

Winter Skincare Regime for Body:

Cowgirl Dreamsicle Lip Balm (provides moisture and sun block to keep a perfect pucker)

Orange Pomengranate Body Wash (exfoliates and nourishes the skin)

Milk & Honey Body Butter (rich body butter that provides brightening, and deep moisture)


Hope you enjoyed this story!

Anti-Aging Skin Care Part 1

October 18th, 2015


Can you guess what the best anti-aging product is out there?  There is one product that is an absolute must no matter what else you may be doing for your skin, and we need it YEAR ROUND…Sun Block!

But today, I want to talk about Retinols (over the counter) and Retin-A products prescribed by a dermatologist for anti-aging or acne or both!

Prescription Retinoids were originally FDA approved for fighting acne.  The way it works is by restoring the organization of cells through cellular turnover in the epidermis so that they are less likely to fall into the pores and become food for P. Acne bacteria, so to reduce breakouts!

Years later, it was discovered to retexturize, smooth, reduce pore size and smooth the skin’s surface. It’s good for skin types who get closed comedones (whiteheads), open comedones (blackheads).

But it will adversely affect red, sore, inflamed acne (called papules and pustules), especially in sensitive skin types.

To use (if your dermatologist does not give you instructions: You MUST use sun protection – hats, sunscreen (reapplied every 4 hours in full sun)


Sanitas Rejuven-A   (a retinol) is a type of vitamin A that belongs to the family of retinoid chemical compounds. As long as the formula is stable (keeping it out of light, away from heat and time-released), it encourages repair to smooth the texture of the skin.

For anyone wanting to use a Retinol, I have 2 wonderful products.  One is Rejuven-A, it is milder, contains loads of other anti-aging ingredient like peptides and COQ10.  It can be used every night and should be used after cleansing.  It comes on like a cream and is so simple to use. It really helped heal my skin of tiny little milia under my eyes and the dry, crepey wrinkles on my cheeks to fight aging (anti-aging)

After using a bottle, should take you a couple of months, give your skin a one month break from it, then if you want something stronger, I have a Retinol Resurfacing Treatment, which is used 3x a week.  Once that bottle is gone, give your skin a break.  Also, available is a Retinol Peel, which we can use every two weeks, but this is an in-office treatment.

Still have questions as to what is right for you to begin a skin care regime that includes anti-aging?  Call today to set up an appointment for a skin care consultation.

See you soon!