Clearing acne can be challenging, it is often helpful to know the type of acne to get to the root cause. This article contains seven types of acne, and nutritional and herbal remedies that have been helpful for some.
Types of Acne
1. Androgenic
2. Adrenal
3. Food Allergy/Digestive
4. Menopausal
5. Liver
6. Pre-mentrual
7. Thyroid or Combination
Androgenic is the most common type of acne, usually begins in the teenage years, there is a elevation of testosterone production, oily skin, thin body types. To balance the overproduction of testosterone and oil production, the following herbs and vitamins are sometimes helpful: Zinc, Saw Palmetto, B5, B6, Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 oils), Nettles and Isoflavones.
Adrenal Acne usually affects those with thin, muscular bodies, high hairlines, thin hair, narrow features, athletic, long and lean. Large pores and dehydration are another sign of this. Watch out for caffeine, it elevates the adrenals which contributes to increased oil production. Zinc and Essential Fatty Acids help to balance oil production. Other supplements to consider are B Vitamins, especially B5, Vitamins A and C.
Food Allergies/Digestive Acne causes rashy, non-pustular roseacea-looking papules. Usually localized around the cheeks and mouth, but can also be all over face. Discover offending allergen, by eliminating dairy, gluten and soy. Build intestinal lining with Glutamine and Essential Fatty acids. Help stomach acidity by adding Betaine HCI, lemon water and/or Apple Cider Vinegar to diet. Also consider probiotics and digestive enzymes.
Menopausal Acne caused by the lowering of estrogen levels, causing an androgen imbalance. Treat with adrenal nutrients – B Vitamins, especially B5, Zinc, Vitamin A, Essential Fatty Acids and Vitamin C. Herbal supplements to consider: Saw Palmetto and Green Tea. This time in life is also very stressful, with children still at home and caring for aging parents. Make time for yourself, drink hot tea, take baths, get massages, do whatever you need to take care of you.
Liver Acne shows up as cystic, deep boils, and can be found on the back, neck and arms. Requires liver nutrients such as milk thistle, Jerusalem Artichoke and B Vitamins. Also consider a liver detox system. There is usually an Androgen or Adrenal overlap
Premenstrual Acne obviously occurs just before or during menstruation. It usually appears on jawline and or chin. Estrogen drop causes androgen imbalance 7-10 days before. Limit caffeine and alcohol. Supplements should include B Complex, especially B6, essential fatty acids and Zinc. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.
Thyroid/Combination shows up as dull, dehydrated and maybe oily skin. Elevated estrogen stimulates adrenal activity which stimulates sebum, skin cell production and testosterone production, as well as reduced thyroid activity causing skin dryness and weight gain. Obviously getting assistance from a physician can help thyroid or Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb popular in Ayurvedic medicine, that has shown incredible results for lowering cortisol and balancing thyroid hormones. Rhodiola Rosea, also known as “golden rod,” is an adaptogen herb with tremendous fat burning, energy enhancing and brain boosting power.
Comedonal Acne is a common presentation of acne, it’s a skin lipid dysfunction, characterized by blockage of pores and inflammation of surrounding skin, compounded by secondary bacterial proliferation and hyperkeratosis (skin cell over production). It responds very well to BHA and AHA’s. If milia (pearlized comedone) is present, it’s best treated with a retinol. If accompanied by roseacea, begin with glycolic acid.
Above are the descriptions and general supplement information to give an idea of possible treatments, none are diagnoses. Acne must be treated with a multiphase strategy by:
1. Treat the body internally using key nutrients to control sebum production, detoxify and control hyperkaratosis.
2. Eliminating certain foods that trigger breakouts
3. Treat the skin topically using exfoliation and sebum dissolving techniques to clear pores
4.Treat with topical antibacterial agents that can enter into sebum blockages and kill bacteria.
If you are serious about getting clear skin and are ready to make changes in diet and lifestyle, come in for an acne consultation and we can get started. My first goal is to make sure your skin care regimen is the right one. Then we begin acne treatments on your skin that has been prepared.
Schedule your consultation today!