Frequently Asked Wax Questions:
First of all, if you are 4 days before, during or 4 days after menstruation, it’s best to hold off because this is the most painful time to get waxing.
If you are especially sensitive, please let us know beforehand, we can arrange for you to receive numbing cream which will need to be applied 45 minutes before your service. Many people use ibuprofen before waxing, and if that’s something you are comfortable taking, it may help with discomfort.
Three days before you wax, you want to exfoliate. If you are using our Orange Pomengranate Body Wash, it contains glycolic acid which is a wonderful exfoliant and skin softener, however before any body waxing we want to hold off using it for 3 days before body waxing. Using a physical scrub such as a sugar scrub will also work, just do this 3 days before. Then post waxing, we want to hold off exfoliation for about 3 days after, since the skin may be more sensitive.
For facial waxing, please avoid using any retinol products, such as our Rejuven-A or Retinol Resurfacing products for one week prior to a facial wax. If you are using our Herbal Salicylic Cleanser, Glycolic Citrus Cleanser, Lemon Cream Scrub, Rose Cream Scrub, Cranberry Enzyme Mask, Papaya Pineapple Mask, Pumpkin Mask, Mild Medicated Toner or Glycotoner, please stop using them for 3 days prior to your facial wax.
Why exfoliate? Because we want you to get the best waxing service possible, if hair gets trapped under dead skin it may not be removed while being waxed. The wax will pull off the dead skin, leaving hair free. Sometimes it does not show up right away and you get home and realize that you still have hair in these areas. If this does happen, please let us know right away and we can get you in for a wax cleanup service, depending on the amount, we may have to charge you. This is a case by case situation, we prefer to avoid.
We begin each waxing service with a brief consultation. We sanitize the area to be waxed. Then, depending on your skin and the area, we determine whether to use hard or soft wax. Soft wax is used with a strip and is the most commonly used wax. It’s best for areas like the eyebrow, where we need definition, or the leg areas which are usually the least painful. The soft wax takes off the dead skin, and can be more painful than hard wax. Our standard is to only use hard wax for bikini, Brazilian, chest, lip and chin waxing. Hard wax does take a bit longer because it is applied to the skin, and must harden first, however it does not take off skin cells, it merely wraps around the hair and only takes the hair with it, making it a less painful choice. Sometimes hard wax is hard to remove, so we gently use a little strip wax or oil to remove it, depending on the area.
Depending on the area, and if you have had problems with ingrown hairs before, and if it’s not contraindicated, we use high frequency to the area post wax to kill any bacteria that has been on the skin. If you are especially sensitive, we recommend getting an LED treatment afterwards, it will also kill any bacteria and help with any post waxing inflammation. Unfortunately, if you are pregnant, we can do neither high frequency or LED, but we will use a grain alcohol and Topical C to sanitize and reduce inflammation.