Posts Tagged ‘skin care treatment’

Is it Acne? Or could it be an imposter?

May 17th, 2017

Acne is an inherited, inflammatory skin condition. Lithium and steroids can also cause acne in those without the inherited condition. Simply put, it’s a condition where the skin cells are too sticky and skin cells are shed way too quickly (about 5 times more than those who do no). Hormonal fluctuations increase the amount of oil produced, then when it gets trapped by the sticky cells, we get more breakouts. Keratosis Pilaris and many other skin issues can look very similar to acne, so it’s good to become familiar with a few to determine how to treat it.

Antibiotics do not work because acne is not a bacterial problem – it’s a dead skin cell problem. A good skin care regimen is so important to clear acne and keep it away.

There are many acne imposters, however. Some will clear up under an acne regimen and some will not.

Acne Roseacea – caused by an allergic reaction to the residue of the dermodex mite. Triggered by heat, spicy foods or alcohol. Responds well to Mandelic 5% and Acne Med 2.5% – most clear up in 4-6 weeks.

Perioral Dermatitis – itchy and rash-like around the mouth area – usually seen in young women. Avoid using acne products in that area. keep hydrated, avoid fluoride, citrus fruits and chemical sunscreens – treat as sensitive skin

Keratosis Pilaris – chicken skin found on the back of legs and arms – don’t itch or hurt, treated with strong exfoliants – Mandelic 11%

Staph Infection – resemble boils, no definition. Must be treated with antibiotics first, then responds well to acne first

Steatocystoma Multiplex – caused by too much oil in the skin. no visible pore. No known treatment or cure

Folliculitis – very common fungal condition, comes and goes. Worse in humidity or after sweating and can sometimes be itchy. Mandelic and zinc sunscreens works well also.

Roseacea Fullminans aka Pyroderma Faciale – usually comes after severe emotional trauma, sudden onset, women in 20s -30s, large painful lesions down the center of the face, extreme oiliness. Can be diagnosed with a blood test. Antibacterial products can help, but they don’t tend clear easily.

Not sure if you have acne? Feel free to send me a picture or set up an acne consultation and I will take a look and ask you questions to determine the best course of treatment.

Microcurrent Facial, why do you need this!

February 29th, 2016

One of my very loyal clients who has been coming to see me regularly a couple of years for anti-aging facials and skin care wanted more help with her neck area, but did not want chemical peels or anything painful.  Then I remembered that I had a small handheld microcurrent device, and even though I told her I was not very experienced with it, she agreed to let me try.  I used the microcurrent device while she was also under the LED panel, which stimulates collagen and elastin, reduces inflammation. Well, we got AMAZING results! She came two weeks later and we got even better results.  I started using it with other clients, and got AMAZING results, but the device died, it was barely used, so I didn’t want to invest in another one like that, and I wanted something that would not only help with the neck but the whole face. Due to the holidays, she was not able to come back for 2 months and her results lasted all that time.  She was disapointed to hear the microcurrent device died, but I promised to find something even better, so I did!  As you can see from the results above, this machine is incredible!

If you are not ready for surgical procedures because of time, financial, or medical limitations, my new microcurrent facial is a non-surgical approach to defy aging, improve and return to a more youthful appearance. The microcurrent facial is wonderfully relaxing and euphoric, causes no pain, swelling or downtime, and noticeable results begin immediately!

Also known as the “non-surgical facelift.”  Not only will you be incredibly relaxed, you will see instant results with each session. This process uses second generation specific signals to immediately improve your overall appearance and return the natural “glow” of youthful hues.

Expected benefits from one microcurrent facial are more than with an anti-aging facial or even skin care: Improved facial and neck muscle tone, lifted jowls and eyebrows, reduction and elimination of fine lines and wrinkles, smoothing of the periorbital (parenthesis) lines, improved facial circulation, skin exfoliation, lymphatic drainage, product penetration, improving sun damaged skin and much more.

I don’t completely understand why the technology works, however, as you can see from my before and after pictures, I have seen the results of one treatment with my very eyes.  I know that we are electrical, and this technology uses nano and pico microcurrents to stimulate collagen and elastin production as well as tone the facial musles, stimulating lymphatic drainage (detoxification)and also will infuse serums deep into the skin’s layers to get the most benefit from them.  It also has an oxygen component that will also boost circulation and health to the skin.

Microcurrent facials last 50 minutes, they include a facial cleanse, microcurrent technologies and are finished with a moisturizer and sun protection.  My Sanitas 90% peptide serum, vitamin C serum, or vita rich serums are available at an additional enhancement to be infused if desired.  Treatments should be done in a series, twice weekly for 5 weeks for best results.  This allows for the treatments to provide muscle memory and allow the treatments to build upon each other, rather than ebb and flow if done sporadically. The highest level of maintenance is once per month, however people have been known to maintain their results for up to 6 months, it varies person to person.

Get better selfies, go on more dates, get more attention from your significant other, get out of speeding tickets, better service wherever you go, better employment opportunities…Enjoy life to the full!!!  I cannot promise these things but it could happen!  With younger, more lifted facial features, you’ll have more confidence, and no telling where that could take you! So schedule your microcurrent facial today!

Winter Skincare Tips

November 27th, 2015


I was recently asked to write a blog for winter skin tips, and I thought it might be more interesting to write it in a story form. This is not based on any one client, but what I see a lot of this time of year in my treatment room. Hope you like it!

As Kelly sat in my chair for her facial, she was very aggravated by the new breakouts along her chin and jawline. “My skin feels so dry and just looks dull,  even my lips are parched” complained the 45 year old.

I ask all the usual questions regarding breakouts in that area, “Any changes in your birth control or are you taking any new medications or are you consuming dairy at all? She answers no to both questions. “Well Kelly, it looks like you may just have a buildup of dead skin layers, lets do an enzyme mask followed by a moisturizing mask. ”

That sounds good, but why would do you think I am breaking out?

It could be stress playing on your hormones, could be just this temporary buildup of skin cells because of the cooler temperatures is giving the p. Acne bacteria that each of us has in our pores more to eat and therefore it multiplies and causes breakouts.” I say as I begin her facial with a water oil press and begin massaging her face. Then as I begin to apply the cranberry enzyme mask, she starts telling me about the crow’s feet that have begun to appear. “Ok, we need to get you starting to use the brightening peel pads in your winter skincare regime, starting with one time per week, then after a month, use twice a week, then the next month 3 times a week.”

“Oh yeah, you mentioned that last time, but I was about to go on vacation.”

“Now is the perfect time to get started, but its a bit drying so we need to add Vita C Serum or Peptiderm Serum to boost the effects and give a bit more hydration. And make sure you are spraying 4-5 pumps of the Moisture Mist within 30 seconds after you cleanse.”

As I analyze her skin under the magnifying lamp, I can’t help but notice the new brown spots and the crow’s feet that have rooted themselves on her face. I ask about sun block usage and she gives me the bad news that she didn’t think she needed it once the weather cooled down.

“Kelly, we always need sun protection, especially in the winter months. The UVA rays are constant in and out doors. The bad news is you now have some brown spots, the good news is the Brightening Peel Pads will help reverse that also, but only if you wear sun block every single day. Please promise me you will!”

Kelly sighs, “Ok, I promise.”

As we finish our treatment, Kelly is relaxed and cannot believe how good her skin looks and feels, even her lips feel better with the Cowgirl Dreamsicle flavored lip balm. I write down her home care (see below) and she makes another appointment for one month out instead of her usual random appointment.

Kelly’s Winter Skincare Regime


Milk & Honey Cleanser (moisturizing and brightening cleanser)

Moisture Mist (hyaluronic acid mist)

Peptiderm Serum (40% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production)

Peptiderm Eye Treatment (50% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production, also use around lip area)

Peptiderm Moisturizer (40% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production)

Solar Block (most important anti-aging product, prevents sun damage and collagen and elastin breakdown, as well as keeps skin from forming brown spots)


Lemon Cream Scrub Cleanser ( a silica scrub, good for face and lips)

Hydrating Toner (gives skin extra moisture and prepares it to receive more nutrients)

Vita C Serum (provides moisture, brightens and stimulates collagen and elastin production)

Peptiderm Eye Treatment

Peptiderm Moisturizer


1 x a week Brightening Peel Pad (brightens and deeply exfoliates skin)

3× a week

Cranberry Enzyme Mask (enzymes slough off dead skin and lactic acid to give extra hydration, can be used after brightening peel pad)

Winter Skincare Regime for Body:

Cowgirl Dreamsicle Lip Balm (provides moisture and sun block to keep a perfect pucker)

Orange Pomengranate Body Wash (exfoliates and nourishes the skin)

Milk & Honey Body Butter (rich body butter that provides brightening, and deep moisture)


Hope you enjoyed this story!

Need Serious Skin Correction?

August 7th, 2015

If your skin has been damaged by the sun or acne, or if you would like to reduce the appearance of fine lines or uneven pigmentation, you may benefit from a series of light chemical peels.

Light chemical peels are a safe and effective way to visibly improve the quality, texture and tone of your skin.  Our peels gently accelerate the skin cell regeneration process by replacing old, dull skin cells with softer, smoother younger looking skin.  When combined with a Sanitas home care regimen and repeated every 2 to 4 weeks over a period of 2-3 months.

Light chemical peels deeply minimize fine lines, lighten age spots, reduce acne breakouts and even-out blotchy hyperpigmented skin.

In the days after, you may experience some temporary flaking, scaling, redness or dryness of the skin for up to 5 days following the peel.  After each successive peel, you will notice your skin feels progressively smoother and softer and will appear more even-toned.

Not sure if a peel is right for you?  Schedule a free consultation today!

Not interested at all in chemical peels, but want other alternatives, we have three new facials that get results:

Rapid Results Brightening Facial with Brow and Lip Wax

Thai Facial with Reflexology

For full descriptions:



Wax FAQ’s at Sweet Lemon Spa

June 16th, 2015

Frequently Asked Wax Questions:

First of all, if you are 4 days before, during or 4 days after menstruation, it’s best to hold off because this is the most painful time to get waxing.

If you are especially sensitive, please let us know beforehand, we can arrange for you to receive  numbing cream which will need to be applied 45 minutes before your service.  Many people use ibuprofen before waxing, and if that’s something you are comfortable taking, it may help with discomfort.

Three days before you wax, you want to exfoliate.  If you are using our Orange Pomengranate Body Wash, it contains glycolic acid which is a wonderful exfoliant and skin softener, however before any body waxing we want to hold off using it for 3 days before body waxing.  Using a physical scrub such as a sugar scrub will also work, just do this 3 days before.  Then post waxing, we want to hold off exfoliation for about 3 days after, since the skin may be more sensitive.

For facial waxing, please avoid using any retinol products, such as our Rejuven-A or Retinol Resurfacing products for one week prior to a facial wax.  If you are using our Herbal Salicylic Cleanser, Glycolic Citrus Cleanser, Lemon Cream Scrub, Rose Cream Scrub, Cranberry Enzyme Mask, Papaya Pineapple Mask, Pumpkin Mask, Mild Medicated Toner or Glycotoner, please stop using them for 3 days prior to your facial wax.

Why exfoliate? Because we want you to get the best waxing service possible, if hair gets trapped under dead skin it may not be removed while being waxed.  The wax will pull off the dead skin, leaving hair free.  Sometimes it does not show up right away and you get home and realize that you still have hair in these areas.  If this does happen, please let us know right away and we can get you in for a wax cleanup service, depending on the amount, we may have to charge you.  This is a case by case situation, we prefer to avoid.

We begin each waxing service with a brief consultation.  We sanitize the area to be waxed.  Then, depending on your skin and the area, we determine whether to use hard or soft wax. Soft wax is used with a strip and is the most commonly used wax.  It’s best for areas like the eyebrow, where we need definition, or the leg areas which are usually the least painful.  The soft wax takes off the dead skin, and can be more painful than hard wax.  Our standard is to only use hard wax for bikini, Brazilian, chest, lip and chin waxing.  Hard wax does take a bit longer because it is applied to the skin, and must harden first, however it does not take off skin cells, it merely wraps around the hair and only takes the hair with it, making it a less painful choice. Sometimes hard wax is hard to remove, so we gently use a little strip wax or oil to remove it, depending on the area.

Depending on the area, and if you have had problems with ingrown hairs before, and if it’s not contraindicated, we use high frequency to the area post wax to kill any bacteria that has been on the skin.  If you are especially sensitive, we recommend getting an LED treatment afterwards, it will also kill any bacteria and help with any post waxing inflammation.  Unfortunately, if you are pregnant, we can do neither high frequency or LED, but we will use a grain alcohol and Topical C to sanitize and reduce inflammation.

Why Should I Get a Facial?

June 11th, 2015

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Why should I get a facial?

asked my friend Sam, when I suggested it to him. ” Is there something wrong with my face?”  Oh dear, I am offending him I think to myself.

“No, Sam, I don’t see anything from here, but with a facial, you get a skin analysis after a cleanse and exfoliation.”


95% of my facial clients have concerns over aging, sagging, crepey dry skin or acneic, dark circles under the eyes.  What about the part of the population like my friend Sam, who has great genetics and no big visible signs of aging?  Should they get a facial or it is just an indulgence.  Let’s look at what happens during a facial…first we consult with an esthetician, someone who is trained and experienced in looking at the health of our skin under a magnification lamp after the makeup has been taken off, cleanser applied to prepare the skin, an exfoliation has been done to remove dead skin cells.  An esthetician can tell us why we are experiencing dark circles, sun spots or blemishes and what we can do about it.  Our esthetician will also look at our current skin care regime, so many are deficient in taking proper care of our skin.  For example, many people do not cleanse at the end of the day…so they sleep with pollution, makeup, sweat and skin oils on their face.  An esthetician can look at your lifestyle and give you all the tricks and tips to make this a habit immediately.

At what age should we start getting facials?  In France, they begin in their teen years.  They learn at an early age to take great care of theirskin with a monthly facial and good skin care habits are started.  For the most part, French women have amazing skin.  Here, in the United States, only teens with acne get facials (or are treated by a dermatologist). Women without acne, begin using toxic, over the counter skin care products, if they use anything at all.  Then they turn 35, and things begin to change because collagen and elastin production slows down dramatically. They begin to notice the changes in their skin.  They may go to Ulta and try to find some miracle cream that firms their skin.  Deeply disappointed, hopefully they book an appointment for a facial.  Now we see the dull skin, the age spots, the fine lines…all that could have been prevented, and we must use products to reverse the signs of aging.  So, it’s up to you when you want to begin taking good care of your skin, and if you want preventative or a healing/reversing type of treatment.

So, now when I tell you to get a facial, I am sure you are not at all offended.  If you are ready to book an appointment now, please do so.  Or book a complimentary skin analysis and I can get you some insignts on your skin.