Posts Tagged ‘facial’

Do you use a Vitamin A Serum?

April 13th, 2018

Lines and wrinkles occur because collagen and fat in your skin break down over time. You cannot scrub out, laser out, exfoliate or wash away wrinkles. You have to combat fine lines and wrinkles from beneath the surface of the skin!  The proper Vitamin A product is an absolute game changer!

Acne is a signal of toxicity and/or yeast overgrowth in the gut – this has to be stopped there. Exfoliation will not stop acne, merely help the effects of what is happening in the gut.  Yet one serum, is very helpful in undoing all the damage caused by the acne, and that is Vitamin A, but which form?

You have to stop collagen from breaking down and encourage collagen regrowth to fill in the areas on your face that have wrinkled over time. You need to nourish your skin and feed it the right things to encourage regrowth!!

Retinols, Retinals or RetinA?

Whether it’s acne you are trying to control or smoothing the wrinkles, new research has brought to light the fact that Retinol does not penetrate the skin well and is used at a high percentage by skincare companies to create epidermal inflammation, which creates epidermal plumping.  It is 1000 times less likely to stimulate collagen than Retinal (retinaldehyde) because the skin does not use retinols for that purpose.  No research has ever shown retinol stimulates collagen.  Research shows Retinal (reinaldehyde) stimulates collagen equal to RetinA.  The skin uses Retinal to make collagen/elastin by converting it in one step to RetinA.  However, RetinA is not designed to stay in the skin, it is designed to be made on demand, then utilized.  Also, RetinA topically is highly toxic and thins the dermis by 18%.  Retinal is the only collagen stimulator proven to be as powerful as RetinA but is not irritating, sun sensitizing, drying nor does it destroy the epidermis like RetinA.

Quit aging and breaking out – use a Retinal – I carry 4 formulas:  One for barrier challenged skin/roseacea, another for Acne, and two additional stronger formulas to resurface aging skin, building up the epidermis.  All are a liposomal Retinal that stimulates collagen by 1000 times better.  Non drying, non-irritating, non sun-sensitizing, and builds up your epidermis!  Call today to get a skin consultation to see which one is best for you!

Three Reasons To Get Monthly Facials

March 28th, 2016


Three Reasons Why Monthly Facials Are So Good For Your Skin:
1. Deep Cleaning
Most people will wait to get a facial until there is a problem. A monthly facial will prohibit the problems from occurring in the first place. One of the reasons is the level of deep cleaning that only a professional spa can provide. Similar to seeing a dentist for regular deep cleanings for your teeth, we recommend seeing an esthetician for a deep cleaning for your pores and skin cells. Estheticians are trained to treat all skin types and can recommend the best solutions for problems.
2. Safe Extractions
It is so hard to resist popping pimples and blackheads! Many times when people pop their own pimples at home, the area can get inflamed from improper extracting techniques and dirty finger nails. Attempting to extract pimples on your own can lead to even bigger problems such as infection and scarring. A trained esthetician has the necessarily tools and has been educated on how to safely extract blemishes without damaging the skin tissue around the area. By keeping up with monthly facials and extractions, your skin will have a reduction in blemishes. If you have oily or pimple prone skin, you may want to consider getting a professional facial twice a month.
3. Cell Renewal
It takes about 30 days for the cells in your face to move up to the surface of your skin, die and slough off. A professional exfoliation will rid the skin of those dead skin cells and give the skin a more toned and youthful glow. Monthly facials will speed up your cell renewal and make your skin look smooth, healthy, moist and radiant!
Why Sweet Lemon Spa is the Best Place to get a Facial!

Each new facial client begins with a thorough consultation.  We look at your history and what your current skin care regime is.  We find out what your skin care goals are and exceed your expectations.  We make lifestyle, diet and homecare suggestions to help you get results as quickly as possible.

Sweet Lemon Spa has a two very extensive skin care lines.  One that has a strong emphasis on anti-aging skin care, including Peptides, Vitamin C Serum, Retinols as well as VERY strong custom cocktailed peels.  The secondary line combats acne and hyperpigmentation in a systematic way using gradually stronger products for homecare and biweekly peels.

Not only are these customized for you, but they are affordably priced. Many spas don’t offer these treatments as add-on’s, but rather make you receive a whole new facial to get the benefits of those treatments. Additionally, all of our clients enjoy the extensive head, neck, face and hand massage that is included in our facials.
While we encourage monthly facials for healthy skin, we know that sometimes it’s not feasible. At minimum, have a facial at least four times a year. A good rule of thumb is to have a facial when the seasons change.

Fine lines, loose skin around your neck line, deeply grooved forehead?  Try our Microcurrent Facial for just $49!  See our virtual receptionist today for an appointment.

Microcurrent Facial, why do you need this!

February 29th, 2016

One of my very loyal clients who has been coming to see me regularly a couple of years for anti-aging facials and skin care wanted more help with her neck area, but did not want chemical peels or anything painful.  Then I remembered that I had a small handheld microcurrent device, and even though I told her I was not very experienced with it, she agreed to let me try.  I used the microcurrent device while she was also under the LED panel, which stimulates collagen and elastin, reduces inflammation. Well, we got AMAZING results! She came two weeks later and we got even better results.  I started using it with other clients, and got AMAZING results, but the device died, it was barely used, so I didn’t want to invest in another one like that, and I wanted something that would not only help with the neck but the whole face. Due to the holidays, she was not able to come back for 2 months and her results lasted all that time.  She was disapointed to hear the microcurrent device died, but I promised to find something even better, so I did!  As you can see from the results above, this machine is incredible!

If you are not ready for surgical procedures because of time, financial, or medical limitations, my new microcurrent facial is a non-surgical approach to defy aging, improve and return to a more youthful appearance. The microcurrent facial is wonderfully relaxing and euphoric, causes no pain, swelling or downtime, and noticeable results begin immediately!

Also known as the “non-surgical facelift.”  Not only will you be incredibly relaxed, you will see instant results with each session. This process uses second generation specific signals to immediately improve your overall appearance and return the natural “glow” of youthful hues.

Expected benefits from one microcurrent facial are more than with an anti-aging facial or even skin care: Improved facial and neck muscle tone, lifted jowls and eyebrows, reduction and elimination of fine lines and wrinkles, smoothing of the periorbital (parenthesis) lines, improved facial circulation, skin exfoliation, lymphatic drainage, product penetration, improving sun damaged skin and much more.

I don’t completely understand why the technology works, however, as you can see from my before and after pictures, I have seen the results of one treatment with my very eyes.  I know that we are electrical, and this technology uses nano and pico microcurrents to stimulate collagen and elastin production as well as tone the facial musles, stimulating lymphatic drainage (detoxification)and also will infuse serums deep into the skin’s layers to get the most benefit from them.  It also has an oxygen component that will also boost circulation and health to the skin.

Microcurrent facials last 50 minutes, they include a facial cleanse, microcurrent technologies and are finished with a moisturizer and sun protection.  My Sanitas 90% peptide serum, vitamin C serum, or vita rich serums are available at an additional enhancement to be infused if desired.  Treatments should be done in a series, twice weekly for 5 weeks for best results.  This allows for the treatments to provide muscle memory and allow the treatments to build upon each other, rather than ebb and flow if done sporadically. The highest level of maintenance is once per month, however people have been known to maintain their results for up to 6 months, it varies person to person.

Get better selfies, go on more dates, get more attention from your significant other, get out of speeding tickets, better service wherever you go, better employment opportunities…Enjoy life to the full!!!  I cannot promise these things but it could happen!  With younger, more lifted facial features, you’ll have more confidence, and no telling where that could take you! So schedule your microcurrent facial today!

Summer Skin Recovery Facial

October 11th, 2015


You were in the pool with dehydrating chlorine! Sometimes you didn’t wear sunblock! Some nights you didn’t wash your face…thinking it was OK because you didn’t wear makeup that day. Allowing pollutants to activate free radicals on your skin.  Not to mention that you did not get a facial.

The summer months in Texas (about 6 months, right?) can cause significant damage to the skin due to the amount of time spent in the sun, the heat, in chlorinated pools, lakes and saltwater oceans. Even if you were very diligent about protecting your skin from the elements by wearing sunscreen, UV protective clothing, a big hat, sunglasses and staying in the shade when possible, simply being outdoors puts your skin in a vulnerable position due to the increase of free radical activity. Heat itself can stimulate melanin, which causes brown spots too! Because of this, brown spots are increased, the skin’s texture gets rough, and the skin can be left feeling tight and parched and look less-than-radiant.  A monthly facial can really combat all of these effects.

We all want to look and feel our best, if we continue bad skin care habits, the damage to our skin will worsen.  Whether we like it or not the holidays are coming up and there will be pictures, parties, as well as visiting people we haven’t seen all year.  Love it or hate it, pictures will last YEARS, not to mention be all over social media.  Parties with coworkers, clients and bosses…are you looking forward to them with confidence?

If you have had a facial with me before, not only is it a super relaxing treatment, you know it will make a HUGE difference in how your skin looks and feels immediately.  Many of my facial clients say things like, “I can’t stop looking at my face.” On top of that, you will learn what to use on your skin, tips, tricks and treatments to improve or maintain your skin.

Imagine actually looking forward to all the holiday festivities since you are looking your best and feel more confident than ever!

We need to get started NOW, so book your appointment for your facial today!




Members Only Special – Cranberry Glow Facial

October 2nd, 2015
I just returned from getting some advanced training at Sanitas in Boulder Colorado, Oh the sacrifices I make!  I learned so much more about how to customize and cocktail chemical peels and enzymes to give your face a huge GLOW!!!  With this information, I have created a very STRONG, effective and amazing facial that will give INCREDIBLE results for ANY skin type.  The Cranberry Glow Facial is a quick facial that can be completed within a lunch hour, it includes a cleanse, boosted exfoliation and then a serum and sun block.  Takes about 30 minutes, so it’s a great one to stop by at lunch or after work to get ready for DATE NIGHT, these upcoming HOLIDAY PARTIES and PICTURES, not to mention improving those selfies!  Regular price is $68, but Sweet Lemon Members get this special facial for just $49.
Hurry and book your appointment online for the Cranberry Glow Facial, it will only be around until 12/31/15 to keep you looking your best throughout the holiday season
In case you haven’t heard or missed our last email, we now have a Sweet Lemon Membership Program, it starts at $59 for one 50 minute facial, massage or Brazilian Wax.  Two services of your choice are $99, and 3 services are $149 a month.  Schedule your appointment today and get started looking and feeling better now!

Need Serious Skin Correction?

August 7th, 2015

If your skin has been damaged by the sun or acne, or if you would like to reduce the appearance of fine lines or uneven pigmentation, you may benefit from a series of light chemical peels.

Light chemical peels are a safe and effective way to visibly improve the quality, texture and tone of your skin.  Our peels gently accelerate the skin cell regeneration process by replacing old, dull skin cells with softer, smoother younger looking skin.  When combined with a Sanitas home care regimen and repeated every 2 to 4 weeks over a period of 2-3 months.

Light chemical peels deeply minimize fine lines, lighten age spots, reduce acne breakouts and even-out blotchy hyperpigmented skin.

In the days after, you may experience some temporary flaking, scaling, redness or dryness of the skin for up to 5 days following the peel.  After each successive peel, you will notice your skin feels progressively smoother and softer and will appear more even-toned.

Not sure if a peel is right for you?  Schedule a free consultation today!

Not interested at all in chemical peels, but want other alternatives, we have three new facials that get results:

Rapid Results Brightening Facial with Brow and Lip Wax

Thai Facial with Reflexology

For full descriptions:



Sunscreen Myths

June 24th, 2015

Protect your baby face wear sunblock

What to avoid:

Spray sunscreens – They can be inhaled and don’t cover skin completely.  SPF values above 50+ – They try to trick you into believing they’ll prevent sun damage. Don’t trust them. Useful SPF protection tops out at 30 to 50.

Reapply every 3 hours in full sun, every two hours when you are in water and sun.

Oxybenzone – This toxic ingredient can disrupt the hormone system.

Retinyl palmitate – Here’s another ingredient to avoid. It may actually trigger skin damage on sun-exposed skin.


Why Should I Get a Facial?

June 11th, 2015

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Why should I get a facial?

asked my friend Sam, when I suggested it to him. ” Is there something wrong with my face?”  Oh dear, I am offending him I think to myself.

“No, Sam, I don’t see anything from here, but with a facial, you get a skin analysis after a cleanse and exfoliation.”


95% of my facial clients have concerns over aging, sagging, crepey dry skin or acneic, dark circles under the eyes.  What about the part of the population like my friend Sam, who has great genetics and no big visible signs of aging?  Should they get a facial or it is just an indulgence.  Let’s look at what happens during a facial…first we consult with an esthetician, someone who is trained and experienced in looking at the health of our skin under a magnification lamp after the makeup has been taken off, cleanser applied to prepare the skin, an exfoliation has been done to remove dead skin cells.  An esthetician can tell us why we are experiencing dark circles, sun spots or blemishes and what we can do about it.  Our esthetician will also look at our current skin care regime, so many are deficient in taking proper care of our skin.  For example, many people do not cleanse at the end of the day…so they sleep with pollution, makeup, sweat and skin oils on their face.  An esthetician can look at your lifestyle and give you all the tricks and tips to make this a habit immediately.

At what age should we start getting facials?  In France, they begin in their teen years.  They learn at an early age to take great care of theirskin with a monthly facial and good skin care habits are started.  For the most part, French women have amazing skin.  Here, in the United States, only teens with acne get facials (or are treated by a dermatologist). Women without acne, begin using toxic, over the counter skin care products, if they use anything at all.  Then they turn 35, and things begin to change because collagen and elastin production slows down dramatically. They begin to notice the changes in their skin.  They may go to Ulta and try to find some miracle cream that firms their skin.  Deeply disappointed, hopefully they book an appointment for a facial.  Now we see the dull skin, the age spots, the fine lines…all that could have been prevented, and we must use products to reverse the signs of aging.  So, it’s up to you when you want to begin taking good care of your skin, and if you want preventative or a healing/reversing type of treatment.

So, now when I tell you to get a facial, I am sure you are not at all offended.  If you are ready to book an appointment now, please do so.  Or book a complimentary skin analysis and I can get you some insignts on your skin.