Posts Tagged ‘acne facial’

Do you use a Vitamin A Serum?

April 13th, 2018

Lines and wrinkles occur because collagen and fat in your skin break down over time. You cannot scrub out, laser out, exfoliate or wash away wrinkles. You have to combat fine lines and wrinkles from beneath the surface of the skin!  The proper Vitamin A product is an absolute game changer!

Acne is a signal of toxicity and/or yeast overgrowth in the gut – this has to be stopped there. Exfoliation will not stop acne, merely help the effects of what is happening in the gut.  Yet one serum, is very helpful in undoing all the damage caused by the acne, and that is Vitamin A, but which form?

You have to stop collagen from breaking down and encourage collagen regrowth to fill in the areas on your face that have wrinkled over time. You need to nourish your skin and feed it the right things to encourage regrowth!!

Retinols, Retinals or RetinA?

Whether it’s acne you are trying to control or smoothing the wrinkles, new research has brought to light the fact that Retinol does not penetrate the skin well and is used at a high percentage by skincare companies to create epidermal inflammation, which creates epidermal plumping.  It is 1000 times less likely to stimulate collagen than Retinal (retinaldehyde) because the skin does not use retinols for that purpose.  No research has ever shown retinol stimulates collagen.  Research shows Retinal (reinaldehyde) stimulates collagen equal to RetinA.  The skin uses Retinal to make collagen/elastin by converting it in one step to RetinA.  However, RetinA is not designed to stay in the skin, it is designed to be made on demand, then utilized.  Also, RetinA topically is highly toxic and thins the dermis by 18%.  Retinal is the only collagen stimulator proven to be as powerful as RetinA but is not irritating, sun sensitizing, drying nor does it destroy the epidermis like RetinA.

Quit aging and breaking out – use a Retinal – I carry 4 formulas:  One for barrier challenged skin/roseacea, another for Acne, and two additional stronger formulas to resurface aging skin, building up the epidermis.  All are a liposomal Retinal that stimulates collagen by 1000 times better.  Non drying, non-irritating, non sun-sensitizing, and builds up your epidermis!  Call today to get a skin consultation to see which one is best for you!

Three Reasons To Get Monthly Facials

March 28th, 2016


Three Reasons Why Monthly Facials Are So Good For Your Skin:
1. Deep Cleaning
Most people will wait to get a facial until there is a problem. A monthly facial will prohibit the problems from occurring in the first place. One of the reasons is the level of deep cleaning that only a professional spa can provide. Similar to seeing a dentist for regular deep cleanings for your teeth, we recommend seeing an esthetician for a deep cleaning for your pores and skin cells. Estheticians are trained to treat all skin types and can recommend the best solutions for problems.
2. Safe Extractions
It is so hard to resist popping pimples and blackheads! Many times when people pop their own pimples at home, the area can get inflamed from improper extracting techniques and dirty finger nails. Attempting to extract pimples on your own can lead to even bigger problems such as infection and scarring. A trained esthetician has the necessarily tools and has been educated on how to safely extract blemishes without damaging the skin tissue around the area. By keeping up with monthly facials and extractions, your skin will have a reduction in blemishes. If you have oily or pimple prone skin, you may want to consider getting a professional facial twice a month.
3. Cell Renewal
It takes about 30 days for the cells in your face to move up to the surface of your skin, die and slough off. A professional exfoliation will rid the skin of those dead skin cells and give the skin a more toned and youthful glow. Monthly facials will speed up your cell renewal and make your skin look smooth, healthy, moist and radiant!
Why Sweet Lemon Spa is the Best Place to get a Facial!

Each new facial client begins with a thorough consultation.  We look at your history and what your current skin care regime is.  We find out what your skin care goals are and exceed your expectations.  We make lifestyle, diet and homecare suggestions to help you get results as quickly as possible.

Sweet Lemon Spa has a two very extensive skin care lines.  One that has a strong emphasis on anti-aging skin care, including Peptides, Vitamin C Serum, Retinols as well as VERY strong custom cocktailed peels.  The secondary line combats acne and hyperpigmentation in a systematic way using gradually stronger products for homecare and biweekly peels.

Not only are these customized for you, but they are affordably priced. Many spas don’t offer these treatments as add-on’s, but rather make you receive a whole new facial to get the benefits of those treatments. Additionally, all of our clients enjoy the extensive head, neck, face and hand massage that is included in our facials.
While we encourage monthly facials for healthy skin, we know that sometimes it’s not feasible. At minimum, have a facial at least four times a year. A good rule of thumb is to have a facial when the seasons change.

Fine lines, loose skin around your neck line, deeply grooved forehead?  Try our Microcurrent Facial for just $49!  See our virtual receptionist today for an appointment.

Do you have Acne and want clear skin?

November 28th, 2015


Are you frustrated with acne treatments and products?  Have you been to other estheticians or dermatologists without results?  I was frustrated with acne too!  I love helping my clients and even though I helped them to a certain degree, some did not clear up or worse they ended up going to a dermatologist, but then were frustrated with being given not enough education about how to treat their skin for acne, or even harsh treatments that even contained ingredients that triggered acne more.  Are you using a RetinA cream or gel that contains Isopropyl Myristate?  If so, that substance actually triggers acne breakouts.  It broke my heart each time.  I went to my skincare supplier for help, but they did not give me any specific framework to treat my clients successfully and that was not good enough for me!  So I began to research what kind of system would work better.

The good news is that I have actually found a system that is proven to work!  It’s called Face Reality.  It began with Laura Cooksey, an esthetician in California who began working with Dr. Fulton’s methods and developed this system over 20 years ago.  In 2008, she began the Face Reality Acne Clinic and then began mentoring and training other estheticians how to do her system and use the products she developed.  When I saw the success that she and other estheticians around the country were making, I knew this was the right choice and I immediately took her training and now I am Face Reality Certified and cannot wait to help as many people with acne as I can.

The treatment is a combination of treatments, sensitivity testing and pushing the skin to clarity with as little irritation as possible.  Instead of me trying to work with everyone’s already existing products and treatments, I insist that you commit fully to this process for 90 days.  For most people their skin will be clear within that time period.  For some people it will take a little longer, but they will have made significant progress.    Once you sign the agreement, I will give you or email our Lifestyle Checklist, treatment procedures and all suggestions that have been made.  I will expect you to come in for treatment every two weeks, do your homecare according to specific directions each day, you may not mix any other products and you will need to let me know immediately any concerns you have or any skin irritation.  You cannot miss a treatment or doing any home care.  You must be committed, but the results are worth it. Expect to spend $150 on your first treatment/consultation and each subsequent treatment is $75, $90 if you want to add LED (speeds healing and reduces scarring).  You may purchase a package for 6 treatments and get one free. If you no longer live in the area, or would just like to purchase products only, it will take longer,  but that is possible as well, contact me today or book your Acne Treatment Consultation online and let’s get started with clearing your skin!
