Archive for the ‘Facial Treatments’ Category

Summer Skin Care Tips

May 2nd, 2017

Summer in Texas is approaching – high humidity, lots of bright sunshine, rain and relentless heat is soon to be upon us, and if you’re like me, you want to be out doors, but not at the expense of your complexion.
I made the following list to help keep your skin balanced, but I’m always happy to give you custom skin care advice to suit your particular complexion.

1. Sun protection – Not only do you want to apply sunscreen and reapply every 3 hours, but I highly recommend long sleeves and more round necks, as well as hats or caps when you’re going to be out in full sun. Or even looking into clothing with sun protection.

I’m not a big fan of spray on sunscreen, because you breathe it in and the coverage might not be quite enough.

If you need recommendations, I carry 3 different types.

2. Keeping cool and hydrated is a challenge with all the Texas sun and wind, so I recommend you keep a bottle of Moisture Mist or Rose Hydrosol with you, or even better in the fridge for a cool, refreshing blast for your skin. Staying hydrated by drinking lots of water is also great. I like to prepare by adding lemon slices or frozen fruit to my water and keep some in the fridge, nice and cold!

3. Bug bites – with our past winter, bugs are rampant. I’ve already been attacked through my clothing. I used Sanitas Purifying Clay Cleanser as a mini-mask to the area and it reduced pain and swelling by the next morning. You could also use Sanitas Tea Tree Mask, which btw is a great overnight blemish control mask.

4. Damage control – if you do get a little too much sun – try the Sanitas Purifying Clay Cleanser as a mask, it’s healing properties include cooling eucalyptus and aloe vera, to cool, soothe and begin the healing process. AFterwards, apply Sanitas Moisture Mist or Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Topical C to soothe and heal. Afterwards, you probably want to come in for a Custom Facial of 50 or 80 minutes to further hydrate and heal your skin.

Hope you found these Summer Skin Care Tips helpful…Enjoy your summer!

Sanitas Peptiderm Skin Care

February 21st, 2017

While Vitamin C is still quite the queen of anti-aging, I’ll christen Peptides the King. Just what are peptides and how do they help your skin?

Peptides are chains of amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins in the skin. When peptides form a long chain of amino acids, they become proteins. When they are in a short chain of amino acids, they are able to penetrate the top layer of our skin and send signals to our cells to let them know how to function.

One important protein in our skin is collagen. Collagen gives our skin its thickness and firmness. When collagen breaks down in the skin (from age and environmental factors like the sun and stress and glycation), wrinkles form. Peptides applied topically to the skin can send a signal to collagen to prompt the formation of new collagen, and therefore you will have the appearance of more youthful, supple skin.

There are many types of peptides that also relax facial muscles (yes, like BOTOX), Acetyl Hexapeptide-8. All three of Sanitas Peptiderm products contain four peptides, including Acetyl Hexapeptide-8.

Oftentimes, peptide products take 4-12 weeks to give results…not the case with Sanitas Peptiderm products. Results are often noticeable in the first application, and definitely within a few days of usage, probably because they contain 40% in the serum and moisturizer and 50% concentration of peptides in the eye treatment.

The products also contain other amazing ingredients which contribute to your skin’s health and improve skin such as ceramides. The ceramides used are skin identical lipid molecules that are found in high concentrations within cell membranes. In the top layer of the skin, ceramides hold skin cells together, forming a protective layer that plumps the skin and retains moisture. (Think of skin cells as the bricks and ceramides as the mortar.)

Perfluorodecalin is an ingredient of the Peptiderm Moisturizing Cream. PFD is an oxygen infusing system that restores skin radiance and diminishes fine lines. This cream gives an absolutely stunning, translucent quality to skin.

How to use them. I love using all 3 to drench my super dry skin! However, for oily skin and combination, I suggest the Peptiderm Eye Treatment for around the eye and lip area, and the Peptiderm Anti-Aging Serum for the whole face, under the Balancing Moisturizer or Oil Free Moisurizer, perhaps only using the Peptiderm Moisturizer for night.

Blackhead Removal

January 31st, 2017


We all get them! What are they?  Are the dark areas on my nose true blackheads or just the shadow and natural oil of large pores?

What exactly is a blackhead? For starters, blackheads are large, open pores containing oil and skin cells that have oxidized from the air causing it to turn black. Contrary to what most people believe, it’s not “dirt”, it is simply oxidized oil and skin cells. You can remove the blackhead by extracting it, but once the oil fills back up in the pore, the air will cause the oil to oxidize again and now the blackhead is back again.

If they are uniform in appearance, they are really not true blackheads, however they can be safely removed and with the right skin care regimen, their appearance minimized.  True blackheads are not uniform but more sporadic – these are the result of mucus in the gut and will require not only extraction, but a mucus cleanse, such as Osmosis Skin Clarifier – a 10 day mucus cleanse that we all could benefit from on a regular basis if eating foods such as dairy, gluten and red meat.

STEP 1: Remove the blackheads. Whether you remove them yourself (gently, of course) or have a professional facial, they must be manually extracted. There is no magic mask or pore strip that will easily lift them out.

For a professional removal, book my Deep Cleanse and LED Facial – it was designed for safe, effective blackhead removal, using steam towels, gentle enzymes to exfoliate, a device that minimizes pain and LED to kill bacteria and heal skin to prevent breakouts.

-For do-it-yourself extractions, it’s best to remove blackheads after a shower since the skin temperature has been raised. Using a tissue around your fingers, press to gently squeeze out the blackheads, and most importantly, cleanse your skin afterwards because you have released bacteria which can cause a breakout.

STEP 2: Use enzyme based exfoliation to keep skin balanced and . Once the pores are clean, it’s important to incorporate products into your routine that use enzymes such as Osmosis MD Purify Cleanser to keep them cleaned out, as well as preventing the oil from filling back up so quickly. Also, add a weekly or bi-weekly mask with Polish, an enzyme based mask to exfoliate and hydrate and stimulate collagen production.

STEP 3: Prevent oil from oxidizing. This part is crucial for lessening the appearance of blackheads. As I mentioned, a blackhead is oil that has oxidized and turned black, so if you can prevent the oil from oxidizing, the oil will not turn black (or at least as quickly).

Antioxidants used in skin care products have many benefits such as encouraging collagen production, lightening discoloration (brown spots) and slowing down the production of skin-damaging free radicals, but one surprising benefit is their ability to prevent oil from oxidizing, hence the name antioxidants meaning ‘anti oxidation.’ Here’s an example of how antioxidants prevent oxidation. You know when you cut an apple into slices and after a while it turns brown? What would you do to prevent it from turning brown (oxidizing)? Simple. Just squeeze lemon juice, (which is high in vitamin C), onto the apple and the apple will not turn brown as quickly. Surprisingly, the same rules apply to the skin and blackheads. I can’t speak for all antioxidant products but I can tell you for certain, Osmosis MD Replenish uses a form of stable, no-sting vitamin C which makes this product not only suitable for preventing blackheads, but for sensitive skin too. Another good option is the Osmosis Catalyst AC-11, which is a powerful Vitamin C Serum and DNA Repair.

A word of warning: certain topical vitamin C products can actually accelerate the appearance of blackheads. When formulas use high concentrations of pure L-Ascorbic Acid or Ascorbic Acid, it causes rapid oxidation resulting in a darkening of the oil pore’s surface.  Also, I see a mixing of Retinols with Vitamin C in the same product – they do not work well together.  However, I recommend a RetinAl such as Osmosis MD Calm, Clarify, Correct or Renew along with Catalyst AC-11 – they work BEST together!  Amazing results!

Want a more customized solution? Book a Deep Cleanse and LED Facial today!  I will safely and gently exfoliate any blackheads and offer a customized plan to reduce them in the future.

Acne Types and Strategies to Clear

November 8th, 2016


Clearing acne can be challenging, it is often helpful to know the type of acne to get to the root cause. This article contains seven types of acne, and nutritional and herbal remedies that have been helpful for some.

Types of Acne
1. Androgenic
2. Adrenal
3. Food Allergy/Digestive
4. Menopausal
5. Liver
6. Pre-mentrual
7. Thyroid or Combination

Androgenic is the most common type of acne, usually begins in the teenage years, there is a elevation of testosterone production, oily skin, thin body types. To balance the overproduction of testosterone and oil production, the following herbs and vitamins are sometimes helpful: Zinc, Saw Palmetto, B5, B6, Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 oils), Nettles and Isoflavones.

Adrenal Acne usually affects those with thin, muscular bodies, high hairlines, thin hair, narrow features, athletic, long and lean. Large pores and dehydration are another sign of this. Watch out for caffeine, it elevates the adrenals which contributes to increased oil production. Zinc and Essential Fatty Acids help to balance oil production. Other supplements to consider are B Vitamins, especially B5, Vitamins A and C.

Food Allergies/Digestive Acne causes rashy, non-pustular roseacea-looking papules. Usually localized around the cheeks and mouth, but can also be all over face. Discover offending allergen, by eliminating dairy, gluten and soy. Build intestinal lining with Glutamine and Essential Fatty acids. Help stomach acidity by adding Betaine HCI, lemon water and/or Apple Cider Vinegar to diet. Also consider probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Menopausal Acne caused by the lowering of estrogen levels, causing an androgen imbalance. Treat with adrenal nutrients – B Vitamins, especially B5, Zinc, Vitamin A, Essential Fatty Acids and Vitamin C. Herbal supplements to consider: Saw Palmetto and Green Tea. This time in life is also very stressful, with children still at home and caring for aging parents. Make time for yourself, drink hot tea, take baths, get massages, do whatever you need to take care of you.

Liver Acne shows up as cystic, deep boils, and can be found on the back, neck and arms. Requires liver nutrients such as milk thistle, Jerusalem Artichoke and B Vitamins. Also consider a liver detox system. There is usually an Androgen or Adrenal overlap

Premenstrual Acne obviously occurs just before or during menstruation. It usually appears on jawline and or chin. Estrogen drop causes androgen imbalance 7-10 days before. Limit caffeine and alcohol. Supplements should include B Complex, especially B6, essential fatty acids and Zinc. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.

Thyroid/Combination shows up as dull, dehydrated and maybe oily skin. Elevated estrogen stimulates adrenal activity which stimulates sebum, skin cell production and testosterone production, as well as reduced thyroid activity causing skin dryness and weight gain. Obviously getting assistance from a physician can help thyroid or Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb popular in Ayurvedic medicine, that has shown incredible results for lowering cortisol and balancing thyroid hormones. Rhodiola Rosea, also known as “golden rod,” is an adaptogen herb with tremendous fat burning, energy enhancing and brain boosting power.

Comedonal Acne is a common presentation of acne, it’s a skin lipid dysfunction, characterized by blockage of pores and inflammation of surrounding skin, compounded by secondary bacterial proliferation and hyperkeratosis (skin cell over production). It responds very well to BHA and AHA’s. If milia (pearlized comedone) is present, it’s best treated with a retinol. If accompanied by roseacea, begin with glycolic acid.

Above are the descriptions and general supplement information to give an idea of possible treatments, none are diagnoses. Acne must be treated with a multiphase strategy by:

1. Treat the body internally using key nutrients to control sebum production, detoxify and control hyperkaratosis.

2. Eliminating certain foods that trigger breakouts

3. Treat the skin topically using exfoliation and sebum dissolving techniques to clear pores

4.Treat with topical antibacterial agents that can enter into sebum blockages and kill bacteria.

If you are serious about getting clear skin and are ready to make changes in diet and lifestyle, come in for an acne consultation and we can get started. My first goal is to make sure your skin care regimen is the right one. Then we begin acne treatments on your skin that has been prepared.

Schedule your consultation today!

3 Simple Steps to Control Acne

August 21st, 2016

Acne is an extremely common skin disorder that effects over 50 million Americans every year. Most people try to treat their acne with topical products but acne is a reflection of an internal
imbalance and no matter how expensive or ‘innovate’ the topical product is, it will never truly eliminate acne because it fails to address the root cause.

My acne consultations include not only a systematic approach to the application of the proper topical products, but also help with lifestyle choices, including diet, which usually has the most impact.

Acne is an inherited disorder, yet it can be controlled. It can strike at any any age. There are several key triggers, and here are the 5 simple steps to help control acne:

Step 1: Ideally, you want to consume a low-fat, high-fiber, plant-based diet. Alcohol, sugar, grains and oils are highly inflammatory and should be vastly reduced or eliminated. Animal products are particularly problematic because they are loaded with hormones and antibiotics. As such, you should limit your meat intake and avoid dairy completely because it’s both loaded with hormones and high in acne-causing sugars. Focus on including a lot of raw green veggies, fruits (especially citrus), a wide range of fresh herbs, and lots of herbal teas (dandelion is particularly helpful for detoxification).

Step 2: Keep pores clean, healthy and unclogged with proper cleansing, toning and exfoliation. Your skin cells slough at a higher rate than people who don’t have acne, the skin cells need to be removed, otherwise they feed the bacteria (that we all have) and cause breakouts. This is also why I like to see my clients every two weeks so that we can do a deep exfoliation (Acne Treatment). This also helps decrease any redness or acne scarring.

Step 3: Your skin is your largest eliminative organ, and the toxins need to go somewhere, so when the other organs stop working properly, the toxins are forced out through your skin. Eating the diet mentioned above and exercising at a level that promotes sweat will both help to stimulate the detoxification process. To encourage further detoxification, start each morning off with a glass of warm lemon water (this helps optimize liver function), and include green veggie drinks in your diet– they are loaded with essential nutrients for detoxification.

One final thing to consider is that the internal conditions that created acne, did not occur over night, and reversing them will take some time and patience. You will likely notice more radiant skin within a couple of weeks, but if you have extremely stubborn acne, it could take up to 12 months for complete acne healing. The effort is worth it though — not only will you be rewarded with clear, glowing skin, you’ll also increase your energy and vitality, and reduce your disease risk along the way.

Three Reasons To Get Monthly Facials

March 28th, 2016


Three Reasons Why Monthly Facials Are So Good For Your Skin:
1. Deep Cleaning
Most people will wait to get a facial until there is a problem. A monthly facial will prohibit the problems from occurring in the first place. One of the reasons is the level of deep cleaning that only a professional spa can provide. Similar to seeing a dentist for regular deep cleanings for your teeth, we recommend seeing an esthetician for a deep cleaning for your pores and skin cells. Estheticians are trained to treat all skin types and can recommend the best solutions for problems.
2. Safe Extractions
It is so hard to resist popping pimples and blackheads! Many times when people pop their own pimples at home, the area can get inflamed from improper extracting techniques and dirty finger nails. Attempting to extract pimples on your own can lead to even bigger problems such as infection and scarring. A trained esthetician has the necessarily tools and has been educated on how to safely extract blemishes without damaging the skin tissue around the area. By keeping up with monthly facials and extractions, your skin will have a reduction in blemishes. If you have oily or pimple prone skin, you may want to consider getting a professional facial twice a month.
3. Cell Renewal
It takes about 30 days for the cells in your face to move up to the surface of your skin, die and slough off. A professional exfoliation will rid the skin of those dead skin cells and give the skin a more toned and youthful glow. Monthly facials will speed up your cell renewal and make your skin look smooth, healthy, moist and radiant!
Why Sweet Lemon Spa is the Best Place to get a Facial!

Each new facial client begins with a thorough consultation.  We look at your history and what your current skin care regime is.  We find out what your skin care goals are and exceed your expectations.  We make lifestyle, diet and homecare suggestions to help you get results as quickly as possible.

Sweet Lemon Spa has a two very extensive skin care lines.  One that has a strong emphasis on anti-aging skin care, including Peptides, Vitamin C Serum, Retinols as well as VERY strong custom cocktailed peels.  The secondary line combats acne and hyperpigmentation in a systematic way using gradually stronger products for homecare and biweekly peels.

Not only are these customized for you, but they are affordably priced. Many spas don’t offer these treatments as add-on’s, but rather make you receive a whole new facial to get the benefits of those treatments. Additionally, all of our clients enjoy the extensive head, neck, face and hand massage that is included in our facials.
While we encourage monthly facials for healthy skin, we know that sometimes it’s not feasible. At minimum, have a facial at least four times a year. A good rule of thumb is to have a facial when the seasons change.

Fine lines, loose skin around your neck line, deeply grooved forehead?  Try our Microcurrent Facial for just $49!  See our virtual receptionist today for an appointment.

Microcurrent Facial, why do you need this!

February 29th, 2016

One of my very loyal clients who has been coming to see me regularly a couple of years for anti-aging facials and skin care wanted more help with her neck area, but did not want chemical peels or anything painful.  Then I remembered that I had a small handheld microcurrent device, and even though I told her I was not very experienced with it, she agreed to let me try.  I used the microcurrent device while she was also under the LED panel, which stimulates collagen and elastin, reduces inflammation. Well, we got AMAZING results! She came two weeks later and we got even better results.  I started using it with other clients, and got AMAZING results, but the device died, it was barely used, so I didn’t want to invest in another one like that, and I wanted something that would not only help with the neck but the whole face. Due to the holidays, she was not able to come back for 2 months and her results lasted all that time.  She was disapointed to hear the microcurrent device died, but I promised to find something even better, so I did!  As you can see from the results above, this machine is incredible!

If you are not ready for surgical procedures because of time, financial, or medical limitations, my new microcurrent facial is a non-surgical approach to defy aging, improve and return to a more youthful appearance. The microcurrent facial is wonderfully relaxing and euphoric, causes no pain, swelling or downtime, and noticeable results begin immediately!

Also known as the “non-surgical facelift.”  Not only will you be incredibly relaxed, you will see instant results with each session. This process uses second generation specific signals to immediately improve your overall appearance and return the natural “glow” of youthful hues.

Expected benefits from one microcurrent facial are more than with an anti-aging facial or even skin care: Improved facial and neck muscle tone, lifted jowls and eyebrows, reduction and elimination of fine lines and wrinkles, smoothing of the periorbital (parenthesis) lines, improved facial circulation, skin exfoliation, lymphatic drainage, product penetration, improving sun damaged skin and much more.

I don’t completely understand why the technology works, however, as you can see from my before and after pictures, I have seen the results of one treatment with my very eyes.  I know that we are electrical, and this technology uses nano and pico microcurrents to stimulate collagen and elastin production as well as tone the facial musles, stimulating lymphatic drainage (detoxification)and also will infuse serums deep into the skin’s layers to get the most benefit from them.  It also has an oxygen component that will also boost circulation and health to the skin.

Microcurrent facials last 50 minutes, they include a facial cleanse, microcurrent technologies and are finished with a moisturizer and sun protection.  My Sanitas 90% peptide serum, vitamin C serum, or vita rich serums are available at an additional enhancement to be infused if desired.  Treatments should be done in a series, twice weekly for 5 weeks for best results.  This allows for the treatments to provide muscle memory and allow the treatments to build upon each other, rather than ebb and flow if done sporadically. The highest level of maintenance is once per month, however people have been known to maintain their results for up to 6 months, it varies person to person.

Get better selfies, go on more dates, get more attention from your significant other, get out of speeding tickets, better service wherever you go, better employment opportunities…Enjoy life to the full!!!  I cannot promise these things but it could happen!  With younger, more lifted facial features, you’ll have more confidence, and no telling where that could take you! So schedule your microcurrent facial today!

Collagen-Boosting Diet

January 21st, 2016

Collagen-Boosting Diet. The foundation of youthful skin hinges upon one factor:  collagen.  Collagen gives skin elasticity, firmness, resiliency and suppleness to the skin, which is the body’s largest organ.  As we age, however, production of this essential protein decreases and sagging, thinning skin is the results.  To maximize stimulation of collagen production, we must begin with our diet.  Just as other organs react to what you eat, so does your skin.

A high consumption of plant-based healthy foods make the most impact in collagen-boosting.

Avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates as well as fried foods to boost collagen.

Vitamin C Rich fruits and veggies neutralize the skin damaging free radicals.  Dark greens like kale, spinach, asparagus & broccoli.  Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and lemons are all rich in Vitamin C helps stimulate collagen-boosting.

Collagen also needs protein: Lean meats, nuts and fish.  Egg whites not only contain protein but also rich in lysine and proline which are also crucial to collagen production.

Lycopene – beets, tomatoes, tomatoes & watermelon
Zinc – found in dark baking chocolate is high in zinc which repairs damaged cells and protects collagen and elastin

To get the maximum collagen building, try increasing the above suggested foods and  LED session with your next facial or massage, and use the Peptiderm Moisturizer, Serum and Eye Treatment, as well as the Vita C Serum.

Do you have Acne and want clear skin?

November 28th, 2015


Are you frustrated with acne treatments and products?  Have you been to other estheticians or dermatologists without results?  I was frustrated with acne too!  I love helping my clients and even though I helped them to a certain degree, some did not clear up or worse they ended up going to a dermatologist, but then were frustrated with being given not enough education about how to treat their skin for acne, or even harsh treatments that even contained ingredients that triggered acne more.  Are you using a RetinA cream or gel that contains Isopropyl Myristate?  If so, that substance actually triggers acne breakouts.  It broke my heart each time.  I went to my skincare supplier for help, but they did not give me any specific framework to treat my clients successfully and that was not good enough for me!  So I began to research what kind of system would work better.

The good news is that I have actually found a system that is proven to work!  It’s called Face Reality.  It began with Laura Cooksey, an esthetician in California who began working with Dr. Fulton’s methods and developed this system over 20 years ago.  In 2008, she began the Face Reality Acne Clinic and then began mentoring and training other estheticians how to do her system and use the products she developed.  When I saw the success that she and other estheticians around the country were making, I knew this was the right choice and I immediately took her training and now I am Face Reality Certified and cannot wait to help as many people with acne as I can.

The treatment is a combination of treatments, sensitivity testing and pushing the skin to clarity with as little irritation as possible.  Instead of me trying to work with everyone’s already existing products and treatments, I insist that you commit fully to this process for 90 days.  For most people their skin will be clear within that time period.  For some people it will take a little longer, but they will have made significant progress.    Once you sign the agreement, I will give you or email our Lifestyle Checklist, treatment procedures and all suggestions that have been made.  I will expect you to come in for treatment every two weeks, do your homecare according to specific directions each day, you may not mix any other products and you will need to let me know immediately any concerns you have or any skin irritation.  You cannot miss a treatment or doing any home care.  You must be committed, but the results are worth it. Expect to spend $150 on your first treatment/consultation and each subsequent treatment is $75, $90 if you want to add LED (speeds healing and reduces scarring).  You may purchase a package for 6 treatments and get one free. If you no longer live in the area, or would just like to purchase products only, it will take longer,  but that is possible as well, contact me today or book your Acne Treatment Consultation online and let’s get started with clearing your skin!


Winter Skincare Tips

November 27th, 2015


I was recently asked to write a blog for winter skin tips, and I thought it might be more interesting to write it in a story form. This is not based on any one client, but what I see a lot of this time of year in my treatment room. Hope you like it!

As Kelly sat in my chair for her facial, she was very aggravated by the new breakouts along her chin and jawline. “My skin feels so dry and just looks dull,  even my lips are parched” complained the 45 year old.

I ask all the usual questions regarding breakouts in that area, “Any changes in your birth control or are you taking any new medications or are you consuming dairy at all? She answers no to both questions. “Well Kelly, it looks like you may just have a buildup of dead skin layers, lets do an enzyme mask followed by a moisturizing mask. ”

That sounds good, but why would do you think I am breaking out?

It could be stress playing on your hormones, could be just this temporary buildup of skin cells because of the cooler temperatures is giving the p. Acne bacteria that each of us has in our pores more to eat and therefore it multiplies and causes breakouts.” I say as I begin her facial with a water oil press and begin massaging her face. Then as I begin to apply the cranberry enzyme mask, she starts telling me about the crow’s feet that have begun to appear. “Ok, we need to get you starting to use the brightening peel pads in your winter skincare regime, starting with one time per week, then after a month, use twice a week, then the next month 3 times a week.”

“Oh yeah, you mentioned that last time, but I was about to go on vacation.”

“Now is the perfect time to get started, but its a bit drying so we need to add Vita C Serum or Peptiderm Serum to boost the effects and give a bit more hydration. And make sure you are spraying 4-5 pumps of the Moisture Mist within 30 seconds after you cleanse.”

As I analyze her skin under the magnifying lamp, I can’t help but notice the new brown spots and the crow’s feet that have rooted themselves on her face. I ask about sun block usage and she gives me the bad news that she didn’t think she needed it once the weather cooled down.

“Kelly, we always need sun protection, especially in the winter months. The UVA rays are constant in and out doors. The bad news is you now have some brown spots, the good news is the Brightening Peel Pads will help reverse that also, but only if you wear sun block every single day. Please promise me you will!”

Kelly sighs, “Ok, I promise.”

As we finish our treatment, Kelly is relaxed and cannot believe how good her skin looks and feels, even her lips feel better with the Cowgirl Dreamsicle flavored lip balm. I write down her home care (see below) and she makes another appointment for one month out instead of her usual random appointment.

Kelly’s Winter Skincare Regime


Milk & Honey Cleanser (moisturizing and brightening cleanser)

Moisture Mist (hyaluronic acid mist)

Peptiderm Serum (40% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production)

Peptiderm Eye Treatment (50% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production, also use around lip area)

Peptiderm Moisturizer (40% peptides to further nourish, moisturize, prevent lines from forming and stimulate collagen and elastin production)

Solar Block (most important anti-aging product, prevents sun damage and collagen and elastin breakdown, as well as keeps skin from forming brown spots)


Lemon Cream Scrub Cleanser ( a silica scrub, good for face and lips)

Hydrating Toner (gives skin extra moisture and prepares it to receive more nutrients)

Vita C Serum (provides moisture, brightens and stimulates collagen and elastin production)

Peptiderm Eye Treatment

Peptiderm Moisturizer


1 x a week Brightening Peel Pad (brightens and deeply exfoliates skin)

3× a week

Cranberry Enzyme Mask (enzymes slough off dead skin and lactic acid to give extra hydration, can be used after brightening peel pad)

Winter Skincare Regime for Body:

Cowgirl Dreamsicle Lip Balm (provides moisture and sun block to keep a perfect pucker)

Orange Pomengranate Body Wash (exfoliates and nourishes the skin)

Milk & Honey Body Butter (rich body butter that provides brightening, and deep moisture)


Hope you enjoyed this story!